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Immigrations, emigrations and net migrations rate. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Internal migrations. Immigrations. By place of origin. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2021
Within the cou/ /area/prov. From the rest of Catalonia From the rest of Spain
Alt Camp 621 1,481 231
Alt Empordà 3,448 2,548 945
Alt Penedès 1,850 3,204 380
Alt Urgell 292 560 196
Alta Ribagorça 21 130 42
Anoia 2,378 3,560 578
Aran 137 238 215
Bages 3,190 3,437 834
Baix Camp 3,037 4,659 1,358
Baix Ebre 938 1,742 640
Baix Empordà 2,840 3,285 789
Baix Llobregat 12,879 18,720 4,259
Baix Penedès 2,291 5,819 769
Barcelonès 28,371 32,199 19,846
Berguedà 704 1,139 151
Cerdanya 253 892 152
Conca de Barberà 169 538 79
Garraf 2,596 5,380 1,060
Garrigues 109 522 137
Garrotxa 843 1,239 409
Gironès 4,145 4,314 1,206
Maresme 9,415 11,511 2,093
Moianès 176 690 61
Montsià 772 1,543 801
Noguera 476 1,015 297
Osona 3,504 2,758 899
Pallars Jussà 133 371 218
Pallars Sobirà 120 278 58
Pla d'Urgell 475 834 230
Pla de l'Estany 499 703 116
Priorat 73 294 46
Ribera d'Ebre 270 518 156
Ripollès 283 882 114
Segarra 200 573 160
Segrià 2,644 2,476 2,216
Selva 2,098 5,486 1,052
Solsonès 132 343 61
Tarragonès 4,433 6,155 2,517
Terra Alta 66 237 67
Urgell 370 992 284
Vallès Occidental 13,319 17,611 4,617
Vallès Oriental 9,381 9,850 1,849
Catalonia z Category not applicable z Category not applicable 52,188
Metropolità 141,622 21,917 32,685
Comarques Gironines 22,138 10,475 4,631
Camp de Tarragona 13,702 7,758 4,231
Terres de l'Ebre 3,175 2,911 1,664
Ponent 7,272 3,414 3,324
Comarques Centrals 8,776 7,239 2,009
Alt Pirineu i Aran 1,147 2,278 881
Penedès 12,144 14,709 2,763
Barcelona 181,100 16,736 36,629
Girona 22,421 11,016 4,769
Lleida 8,958 4,790 4,126
Tarragona 21,823 13,833 6,664
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Residential Variation Statistics.
(z) Category not applicable.
Internal migrations. Emmigrations. By destination. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2021
Within the cou/ /area/prov. From the rest of Catalonia From the rest of Spain
Alt Camp 621 1,151 209
Alt Empordà 3,448 2,064 1,067
Alt Penedès 1,850 2,366 585
Alt Urgell 292 396 243
Alta Ribagorça 21 89 60
Anoia 2,378 2,764 637
Aran 137 218 319
Bages 3,190 3,124 912
Baix Camp 3,037 3,247 1,229
Baix Ebre 938 1,352 551
Baix Empordà 2,840 2,661 755
Baix Llobregat 12,879 19,207 5,469
Baix Penedès 2,291 3,686 881
Barcelonès 28,371 50,812 21,158
Berguedà 704 876 184
Cerdanya 253 571 163
Conca de Barberà 169 483 61
Garraf 2,596 3,741 1,041
Garrigues 109 477 103
Garrotxa 843 991 237
Gironès 4,145 4,291 1,121
Maresme 9,415 8,937 2,691
Moianès 176 479 78
Montsià 772 1,034 774
Noguera 476 840 222
Osona 3,504 2,159 699
Pallars Jussà 133 288 164
Pallars Sobirà 120 208 28
Pla d'Urgell 475 732 171
Pla de l'Estany 499 648 100
Priorat 73 263 56
Ribera d'Ebre 270 456 133
Ripollès 283 637 107
Segarra 200 562 101
Segrià 2,644 2,576 1,870
Selva 2,098 4,339 1,075
Solsonès 132 250 60
Tarragonès 4,433 5,743 2,353
Terra Alta 66 181 46
Urgell 370 852 196
Vallès Occidental 13,319 16,958 5,733
Vallès Oriental 9,381 8,017 2,254
Catalonia z Category not applicable z Category not applicable 55,896
Metropolità 141,622 35,887 37,332
Comarques Gironines 22,138 7,649 4,462
Camp de Tarragona 13,702 5,518 3,908
Terres de l'Ebre 3,175 1,894 1,504
Ponent 7,272 3,041 2,663
Comarques Centrals 8,776 5,797 1,921
Alt Pirineu i Aran 1,147 1,579 977
Penedès 12,144 9,336 3,129
Barcelona 181,100 26,098 41,439
Girona 22,421 7,995 4,611
Lleida 8,958 3,839 3,553
Tarragona 21,823 8,443 6,293
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Residential Variation Statistics.
(z) Category not applicable.
Internal migrations. Net migrations rate. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2021
With the rest of Catalonia With the rest of Spain Total net rate
Alt Camp 330 22 352
Alt Empordà 484 -122 362
Alt Penedès 838 -205 633
Alt Urgell 164 -47 117
Alta Ribagorça 41 -18 23
Anoia 796 -59 737
Aran 20 -104 -84
Bages 313 -78 235
Baix Camp 1,412 129 1,541
Baix Ebre 390 89 479
Baix Empordà 624 34 658
Baix Llobregat -487 -1,210 -1,697
Baix Penedès 2,133 -112 2,021
Barcelonès -18,613 -1,312 -19,925
Berguedà 263 -33 230
Cerdanya 321 -11 310
Conca de Barberà 55 18 73
Garraf 1,639 19 1,658
Garrigues 45 34 79
Garrotxa 248 172 420
Gironès 23 85 108
Maresme 2,574 -598 1,976
Moianès 211 -17 194
Montsià 509 27 536
Noguera 175 75 250
Osona 599 200 799
Pallars Jussà 83 54 137
Pallars Sobirà 70 30 100
Pla d'Urgell 102 59 161
Pla de l'Estany 55 16 71
Priorat 31 -10 21
Ribera d'Ebre 62 23 85
Ripollès 245 7 252
Segarra 11 59 70
Segrià -100 346 246
Selva 1,147 -23 1,124
Solsonès 93 1 94
Tarragonès 412 164 576
Terra Alta 56 21 77
Urgell 140 88 228
Vallès Occidental 653 -1,116 -463
Vallès Oriental 1,833 -405 1,428
Catalonia z Category not applicable -3,708 -3,708
Metropolità -13,970 -4,647 -18,617
Comarques Gironines 2,826 169 2,995
Camp de Tarragona 2,240 323 2,563
Terres de l'Ebre 1,017 160 1,177
Ponent 373 661 1,034
Comarques Centrals 1,442 88 1,530
Alt Pirineu i Aran 699 -96 603
Penedès 5,373 -366 5,007
Barcelona -9,362 -4,810 -14,172
Girona 3,021 158 3,179
Lleida 951 573 1,524
Tarragona 5,390 371 5,761
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Residential Variation Statistics.
(z) Category not applicable.

Last update: September 30, 2022.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Internal emigration
People removing their names from the civil registers of one municipality due to change of residence and moving to another municipality in Catalonia or elsewhere in Spain.
Internal immigration
People adding their names to the civil registers of one municipality due to change of residence and moving from another municipality in Catalonia or from elsewhere in Spain.
Internal migration
Change of residence between two municipalities of Catalonia, or between a municipality in Catalonia and another in Spain.
Internal migratory balance
Difference between the internal immigration recorded (registrations on the civil registers of inhabitants) and the internal emigration recorded (cancellations on the civil registers of inhabitants) for a defined period. The net migration rate is positive if immigration is greater than emigration and negative if emigration is higher than immigration.

Methodological aspects

The statistics Migratory Movements provides information on people's movement due to a change in residence from one municipality in Catalonia to another, whether in Catalonia, the rest of Spain or abroad. Idescat bases this operation on the additions and removals due to changes in residence registered in municipal registers, with variation dates from the reference year.

From the year 2022 the source is the Statistics on Migrations and Changes of Residence by INE, while from 1998 to 2021 the source was the Statistics on Residential Variations by INE. Migration balances and flows within Catalonia and with the rest of Spain are comparable with the previous series, but the flows of external migration are higher with the new source.

The main characteristics analysed are sex, age and nationality.

Migratory movement refers to the displacement of an individual due to a change in residence, as well as the characteristics of this migration. The information contained comprises only inter-municipal changes and, as such, changes in residence within the same municipality are excluded.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.