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Immigrations, emigrations and net migrations rate. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Internal migrations. Immigrations. By place of origin. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2019
Within the cou/ /area/prov. From the rest of Catalonia From the rest of Spain
Alt Camp 551 1,185 181
Alt Empordà 3,570 2,056 1,111
Alt Penedès 1,826 2,947 517
Alt Urgell 268 421 211
Alta Ribagorça 35 100 53
Anoia 2,291 3,449 679
Aran 156 201 220
Bages 3,165 3,569 965
Baix Camp 2,759 4,090 1,362
Baix Ebre 1,015 1,310 540
Baix Empordà 2,821 2,588 777
Baix Llobregat 12,499 18,556 4,549
Baix Penedès 2,283 4,860 794
Barcelonès 25,575 30,593 19,148
Berguedà 598 969 204
Cerdanya 355 599 141
Conca de Barberà 193 400 98
Garraf 2,626 4,427 900
Garrigues 113 493 74
Garrotxa 874 1,142 338
Gironès 4,243 4,236 1,198
Maresme 9,065 10,837 2,276
Moianès 154 699 56
Montsià 768 1,350 910
Noguera 413 872 254
Osona 3,664 2,567 1,022
Pallars Jussà 151 384 285
Pallars Sobirà 106 253 42
Pla d'Urgell 419 693 220
Pla de l'Estany 491 744 113
Priorat 66 265 36
Ribera d'Ebre 246 397 124
Ripollès 295 625 118
Segarra 196 524 151
Segrià 2,512 2,460 1,942
Selva 1,957 4,973 1,040
Solsonès 153 316 81
Tarragonès 4,469 5,996 2,388
Terra Alta 56 192 76
Urgell 318 916 220
Vallès Occidental 13,126 17,120 5,032
Vallès Oriental 9,488 9,163 1,933
Catalonia z Category not applicable z Category not applicable 52,379
Metropolità 134,201 22,129 32,954
Comarques Gironines 21,768 8,847 4,695
Camp de Tarragona 13,280 6,694 4,065
Terres de l'Ebre 3,154 2,180 1,650
Ponent 6,733 3,196 2,861
Comarques Centrals 8,942 6,806 2,329
Alt Pirineu i Aran 1,269 1,760 952
Penedès 11,888 12,619 2,873
Barcelona 171,695 17,292 37,281
Girona 22,058 9,244 4,813
Lleida 8,493 4,233 3,776
Tarragona 21,282 11,169 6,509
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Residential Variation Statistics.
(z) Category not applicable.
Internal migrations. Emmigrations. By destination. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2019
Within the cou/ /area/prov. From the rest of Catalonia From the rest of Spain
Alt Camp 551 1,046 202
Alt Empordà 3,570 2,151 1,156
Alt Penedès 1,826 2,471 425
Alt Urgell 268 437 168
Alta Ribagorça 35 107 53
Anoia 2,291 2,437 578
Aran 156 225 231
Bages 3,165 2,920 839
Baix Camp 2,759 3,387 1,264
Baix Ebre 1,015 1,413 550
Baix Empordà 2,821 2,419 843
Baix Llobregat 12,499 17,171 5,284
Baix Penedès 2,283 3,431 863
Barcelonès 25,575 45,324 20,437
Berguedà 598 847 149
Cerdanya 355 541 146
Conca de Barberà 193 508 76
Garraf 2,626 3,497 1,066
Garrigues 113 465 96
Garrotxa 874 947 254
Gironès 4,243 4,077 1,248
Maresme 9,065 8,418 2,640
Moianès 154 419 67
Montsià 768 1,051 834
Noguera 413 861 244
Osona 3,664 2,126 783
Pallars Jussà 151 327 310
Pallars Sobirà 106 222 55
Pla d'Urgell 419 844 197
Pla de l'Estany 491 650 120
Priorat 66 279 53
Ribera d'Ebre 246 461 153
Ripollès 295 555 91
Segarra 196 605 108
Segrià 2,512 2,568 1,906
Selva 1,957 4,511 1,040
Solsonès 153 309 71
Tarragonès 4,469 5,269 2,492
Terra Alta 56 227 57
Urgell 318 768 200
Vallès Occidental 13,126 15,409 5,309
Vallès Oriental 9,488 7,837 2,176
Catalonia z Category not applicable z Category not applicable 54,834
Metropolità 134,201 29,932 35,867
Comarques Gironines 21,768 7,793 4,752
Camp de Tarragona 13,280 5,247 4,087
Terres de l'Ebre 3,154 2,083 1,594
Ponent 6,733 3,349 2,751
Comarques Centrals 8,942 5,372 1,901
Alt Pirineu i Aran 1,269 1,661 963
Penedès 11,888 8,794 2,919
Barcelona 171,695 21,280 39,757
Girona 22,058 8,195 4,884
Lleida 8,493 4,267 3,649
Tarragona 21,282 8,196 6,544
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Residential Variation Statistics.
(z) Category not applicable.
Internal migrations. Net migrations rate. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2019
With the rest of Catalonia With the rest of Spain Total net rate
Alt Camp 139 -21 118
Alt Empordà -95 -45 -140
Alt Penedès 476 92 568
Alt Urgell -16 43 27
Alta Ribagorça -7 0 -7
Anoia 1,012 101 1,113
Aran -24 -11 -35
Bages 649 126 775
Baix Camp 703 98 801
Baix Ebre -103 -10 -113
Baix Empordà 169 -66 103
Baix Llobregat 1,385 -735 650
Baix Penedès 1,429 -69 1,360
Barcelonès -14,731 -1,289 -16,020
Berguedà 122 55 177
Cerdanya 58 -5 53
Conca de Barberà -108 22 -86
Garraf 930 -166 764
Garrigues 28 -22 6
Garrotxa 195 84 279
Gironès 159 -50 109
Maresme 2,419 -364 2,055
Moianès 280 -11 269
Montsià 299 76 375
Noguera 11 10 21
Osona 441 239 680
Pallars Jussà 57 -25 32
Pallars Sobirà 31 -13 18
Pla d'Urgell -151 23 -128
Pla de l'Estany 94 -7 87
Priorat -14 -17 -31
Ribera d'Ebre -64 -29 -93
Ripollès 70 27 97
Segarra -81 43 -38
Segrià -108 36 -72
Selva 462 0 462
Solsonès 7 10 17
Tarragonès 727 -104 623
Terra Alta -35 19 -16
Urgell 148 20 168
Vallès Occidental 1,711 -277 1,434
Vallès Oriental 1,326 -243 1,083
Catalonia z Category not applicable -2,455 -2,455
Metropolità -7,803 -2,913 -10,716
Comarques Gironines 1,054 -57 997
Camp de Tarragona 1,447 -22 1,425
Terres de l'Ebre 97 56 153
Ponent -153 110 -43
Comarques Centrals 1,434 428 1,862
Alt Pirineu i Aran 99 -11 88
Penedès 3,825 -46 3,779
Barcelona -3,988 -2,476 -6,464
Girona 1,049 -71 978
Lleida -34 127 93
Tarragona 2,973 -35 2,938
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Residential Variation Statistics.
(z) Category not applicable.

Last update: September 23, 2020.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Internal emigration
People removing their names from the civil registers of one municipality due to change of residence and moving to another municipality in Catalonia or elsewhere in Spain.
Internal immigration
People adding their names to the civil registers of one municipality due to change of residence and moving from another municipality in Catalonia or from elsewhere in Spain.
Internal migration
Change of residence between two municipalities of Catalonia, or between a municipality in Catalonia and another in Spain.
Internal migratory balance
Difference between the internal immigration recorded (registrations on the civil registers of inhabitants) and the internal emigration recorded (cancellations on the civil registers of inhabitants) for a defined period. The net migration rate is positive if immigration is greater than emigration and negative if emigration is higher than immigration.

Methodological aspects

The statistics Migratory Movements provides information on people's movement due to a change in residence from one municipality in Catalonia to another, whether in Catalonia, the rest of Spain or abroad. Idescat bases this operation on the additions and removals due to changes in residence registered in municipal registers, with variation dates from the reference year.

From the year 2022 the source is the Statistics on Migrations and Changes of Residence by INE, while from 1998 to 2021 the source was the Statistics on Residential Variations by INE. Migration balances and flows within Catalonia and with the rest of Spain are comparable with the previous series, but the flows of external migration are higher with the new source.

The main characteristics analysed are sex, age and nationality.

Migratory movement refers to the displacement of an individual due to a change in residence, as well as the characteristics of this migration. The information contained comprises only inter-municipal changes and, as such, changes in residence within the same municipality are excluded.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.