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Births. By sex. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Births. Live births. By sex. Counties, areas and provinces 2011
Boys Girls Total
Alt Camp 228 260 488
Alt Empordà 771 775 1,546
Alt Penedès 659 643 1,302
Alt Urgell 73 84 157
Alta Ribagorça 24 22 46
Anoia 744 650 1,394
Bages 999 908 1,907
Baix Camp 1,179 1,036 2,215
Baix Ebre 430 362 792
Baix Empordà 752 637 1,389
Baix Llobregat 4,656 4,336 8,992
Baix Penedès 633 559 1,192
Barcelonès 11,030 10,561 21,591
Berguedà 192 176 368
Cerdanya 76 88 164
Conca de Barberà 99 87 186
Garraf 718 775 1,493
Garrigues 79 81 160
Garrotxa 304 282 586
Gironès 1,253 1,150 2,403
Maresme 2,462 2,286 4,748
Montsià 345 337 682
Noguera 194 186 380
Osona 951 935 1,886
Pallars Jussà 61 58 119
Pallars Sobirà 27 38 65
Pla d'Urgell 221 208 429
Pla de l'Estany 164 178 342
Priorat 43 33 76
Ribera d'Ebre 106 77 183
Ripollès 113 126 239
Segarra 135 118 253
Segrià 1,233 1,140 2,373
Selva 899 894 1,793
Solsonès 77 79 156
Tarragonès 1,445 1,336 2,781
Terra Alta 49 39 88
Urgell 181 178 359
Val d'Aran 37 50 87
Vallès Occidental 5,471 5,264 10,735
Vallès Oriental 2,452 2,264 4,716
Catalonia 41,565 39,296 80,861
Metropolità 26,071 24,711 50,782
Comarques Gironines 4,256 4,042 8,298
Camp de Tarragona 2,994 2,752 5,746
Terres de l'Ebre 930 815 1,745
Ponent 2,043 1,911 3,954
Comarques Centrals 2,219 2,098 4,317
Alt Pirineu i Aran 298 340 638
Penedès 2,754 2,627 5,381
Barcelona 30,333 28,799 59,132
Girona 4,320 4,111 8,431
Lleida 2,355 2,260 4,615
Tarragona 4,557 4,126 8,683
Source: Idescat. Natural movement of population.
Note: Law 23/2010, of July 22, on the creation of the area of Penedès, divides Catalonia into eight territorial planning areas. This change implies that the data for the Metropolitan Area, Central Counties and Camp de Tarragona are not directly comparable with previous years.

Last update: October 31, 2012.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

According to the International classification of diseases (9th revision), complete expulsion or extraction from the body of the mother the product of conception, either living or dead, after six or more months of gestation.
Live birth
According to the International classification of diseases (9th revision), complete expulsion or extraction from the body of the mother the product of conception, which, after this separation, breathes or shows any other sign of life regardless of the duration of the gestation period.

Methodological aspects

The Births Statistics provide information on the births, deliveries and late foetal deaths of people residing in Catalonia according to their demographic and social characteristics.

The original source of the data is the Statistical Bulletin of Births (BEP), filled in by the parents or persons obliged by law to declare the birth or, if this is not possible, by the civil registrar.

The data include all births of women residing in Catalonia, both those registered in the civil registers of Catalonia and those registered in the civil registers of other autonomous communities. In 2011 and previous years, the data refer only to births of women residing in Catalonia registered in the civil registers of Catalonia.

From 2012 onwards, as well as births by resident mothers taking place within Catalonia, this also includes births by mothers resident in Catalonia taking place in other autonomous communities.

The data are disseminated annually in two phases: provisional data and definitive data, which incorporate a greater exhaustiveness of the file and the filtering of the main variables.

Idescat compiles this statistical operation in collaboration with the INE.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.