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Population. By nationality. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Population 1 of January. By nationality. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2019
Spanish Rest of EU Rest of Europe Africa North and Central America South Amaerica Asia and Oceania Total
Alt Camp 38,831 1,222 467 2,767 191 569 249 44,296
Alt Empordà 107,134 11,865 2,054 13,157 2,167 3,892 1,070 141,339
Alt Penedès 96,742 1,868 652 6,127 573 1,725 724 108,411
Alt Urgell 17,822 1,044 212 345 150 504 100 20,177
Alta Ribagorça 3,365 171 61 121 19 59 6 3,802
Anoia 110,665 1,818 569 5,045 500 1,233 908 120,738
Aran 8,479 932 69 236 84 256 37 10,093
Bages 158,068 3,918 1,204 10,302 1,194 2,616 1,583 178,885
Baix Camp 160,486 9,154 2,230 11,798 1,097 4,605 1,603 190,973
Baix Ebre 64,823 4,497 1,014 4,496 421 864 1,481 77,596
Baix Empordà 108,009 7,288 3,160 10,922 2,123 1,994 863 134,359
Baix Llobregat 741,282 21,336 5,249 22,262 6,176 19,203 10,455 825,963
Baix Penedès 89,708 4,164 1,113 5,788 774 2,596 848 104,991
Barcelonès 1,840,756 106,423 29,691 41,443 48,499 101,846 109,779 2,278,437
Berguedà 36,153 880 180 1,245 236 553 199 39,446
Cerdanya 15,612 762 276 350 163 953 76 18,192
Conca de Barberà 17,757 813 249 848 57 154 164 20,042
Garraf 129,942 9,702 1,294 3,509 1,229 3,757 1,454 150,887
Garrigues 16,401 1,260 63 918 45 102 44 18,833
Garrotxa 48,698 1,806 615 2,239 1,016 687 2,529 57,590
Gironès 154,282 6,997 1,833 16,276 7,838 3,759 2,923 193,908
Maresme 399,480 11,269 3,415 21,305 3,106 8,199 5,916 452,690
Moianès 12,463 257 66 322 47 245 203 13,603
Montsià 56,239 5,864 787 2,477 240 974 855 67,436
Noguera 32,242 2,779 263 2,764 88 456 178 38,770
Osona 136,233 3,736 772 14,054 759 2,175 3,092 160,821
Pallars Jussà 11,423 581 94 534 102 303 43 13,080
Pallars Sobirà 6,256 432 17 83 32 95 17 6,932
Pla d'Urgell 29,879 2,794 244 3,175 45 382 174 36,693
Pla de l'Estany 27,558 954 145 2,389 478 455 314 32,293
Priorat 8,180 512 44 371 33 97 8 9,245
Ribera d'Ebre 18,511 1,613 171 1,198 64 133 175 21,865
Ripollès 22,780 401 94 1,003 286 371 152 25,087
Segarra 16,840 2,126 1,414 2,233 82 252 105 23,052
Segrià 171,311 12,919 1,566 17,216 1,020 3,544 2,242 209,818
Selva 137,811 10,493 5,253 8,655 2,002 3,511 3,892 171,617
Solsonès 12,038 626 60 554 34 115 42 13,469
Tarragonès 212,278 10,249 3,620 16,442 1,839 7,602 4,700 256,730
Terra Alta 10,083 1,055 33 67 66 48 138 11,490
Urgell 29,925 2,342 631 3,080 154 386 175 36,693
Vallès Occidental 825,892 18,238 4,357 32,114 9,470 24,299 10,867 925,237
Vallès Oriental 373,353 6,980 2,019 14,508 2,247 7,353 3,178 409,638
Catalonia 6,515,790 294,140 77,320 304,738 96,746 212,922 173,561 7,675,217
Metropolità 4,184,431 164,297 44,754 131,685 69,509 160,959 140,241 4,895,876
Comarques Gironines 606,272 39,804 13,154 54,641 15,910 14,669 11,743 756,193
Camp de Tarragona 437,532 21,950 6,610 32,226 3,217 13,027 6,724 521,286
Terres de l'Ebre 149,656 13,029 2,005 8,238 791 2,019 2,649 178,387
Ponent 296,598 24,220 4,181 29,386 1,434 5,122 2,918 363,859
Comarques Centrals 355,847 9,553 2,305 26,878 2,265 5,675 5,083 407,606
Alt Pirineu i Aran 62,957 3,922 729 1,669 550 2,170 279 72,276
Penedès 422,497 17,365 3,582 20,015 3,070 9,281 3,924 479,734
Barcelona 4,860,870 186,418 49,474 172,225 74,042 173,198 148,352 5,664,579
Girona 618,736 40,461 13,414 54,982 16,062 15,579 11,810 771,044
Lleida 359,288 28,118 4,704 31,279 1,860 6,503 3,178 434,930
Tarragona 676,896 39,143 9,728 46,252 4,782 17,642 10,221 804,664
Units: Persons.
Source: Idescat, based on INE Continuous Population Register.

Last update: February 26, 2020.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

All inhabitants of a given place. Since 1996, when the continuous management system was established for the Municipal Population Register, in accordance with Royal Decree 2612/1996, of December 20, official population figures for municipalities have been obtained annually using data referred to January 1 of each year.
Person who habitually lives in a municipality, whether present or absent on the date of reference. Acquisition of the condition of neighbour is produced as soon as that person is recorded on the civil register (padró). Those who habitually live in a municipality but are away on the date of reference are still considered neighbours of the municipality they usually live in. The concept of a neighbour substitutes the concepts of a present resident and absent resident in a municipality in accordance with Royal Decree 2612/1996, of December 20, which modified the Regulation for the population and territorial demarcation of local entities on July 11, 1986. The figure of the person in transit has also been eliminated.

Methodological aspects

The basic on information population by nationality and place of birth, as well as the population of the municipalities, is obtained from the Municipal Population Register.

The Municipal population register is the administrative record containing the residents of a given municipality and it constitutes proof that they reside in the municipality and have their usual home there. Population figures from the revision of the Register on 1 January are declared official in each of the municipalities by the Government of Spain, by means of a Royal Decree. The exploitation of the municipal population register provides figures on the number of people registered in the population census in each municipality in Catalonia. The official figures are available by municipality and they are broken down according to sex, age, nationality and place of birth.