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Population. By nationality. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Registered population 1 of January. By nationality. Counties, areas and provinces 2010
Spanish Rest of EU Rest of Europe Africa North and Central America South Amaerica Asia and Oceania Total
Alt Camp 38,841 1,887 454 2,821 189 965 169 45,326
Alt Empordà 101,004 15,894 1,931 12,526 1,464 6,646 797 140,262
Alt Penedès 91,578 2,151 581 6,299 377 3,219 384 104,589
Alt Urgell 18,659 1,715 260 306 152 846 67 22,005
Alta Ribagorça 3,543 407 51 122 10 142 3 4,278
Anoia 106,118 2,503 594 5,791 434 2,156 461 118,057
Bages 163,106 5,018 1,007 9,973 782 3,997 1,234 185,117
Baix Camp 154,123 13,234 1,575 11,869 1,182 7,140 1,317 190,440
Baix Ebre 65,601 7,940 1,131 4,562 232 1,511 1,245 82,222
Baix Empordà 103,793 9,119 2,149 12,148 1,426 3,786 800 133,221
Baix Llobregat 702,997 23,246 3,338 25,619 3,983 33,835 5,450 798,468
Baix Penedès 84,033 4,096 640 6,577 546 3,439 455 99,786
Barcelonès 1,846,129 85,518 17,831 40,969 31,197 146,388 82,997 2,251,029
Berguedà 37,418 1,412 262 1,291 160 924 216 41,683
Cerdanya 15,469 1,128 248 220 77 1,377 30 18,549
Conca de Barberà 18,674 1,031 238 909 56 333 196 21,437
Garraf 121,167 11,174 855 3,846 970 5,906 739 144,657
Garrigues 17,797 1,540 63 795 16 128 74 20,413
Garrotxa 46,839 1,741 383 2,497 524 1,043 2,412 55,439
Gironès 142,646 7,054 1,548 16,794 5,075 6,063 1,973 181,153
Maresme 377,095 10,595 1,805 22,799 2,310 12,946 3,447 430,997
Montsià 56,575 9,238 1,058 2,496 186 2,102 678 72,333
Noguera 33,326 3,068 321 2,391 57 799 168 40,130
Osona 130,605 3,321 459 13,416 451 3,711 1,536 153,499
Pallars Jussà 11,916 881 114 511 113 416 27 13,978
Pallars Sobirà 6,419 701 18 106 27 372 3 7,646
Pla d'Urgell 29,996 3,145 222 2,974 51 802 181 37,371
Pla de l'Estany 25,828 970 141 2,462 232 703 324 30,660
Priorat 8,943 648 28 362 19 120 25 10,145
Ribera d'Ebre 20,158 2,368 160 985 43 249 119 24,082
Ripollès 24,359 466 75 959 128 515 78 26,580
Segarra 17,052 2,103 1,353 1,853 111 379 89 22,940
Segrià 167,123 13,070 1,518 15,353 1,010 5,945 1,705 205,724
Selva 134,420 14,262 3,392 8,552 1,376 5,735 3,300 171,037
Solsonès 11,759 635 83 915 31 260 47 13,730
Tarragonès 199,969 14,555 2,512 16,616 1,870 10,884 3,312 249,718
Terra Alta 11,189 1,422 37 59 36 115 73 12,931
Urgell 30,138 2,455 613 3,010 219 713 174 37,322
Val d'Aran 7,957 1,018 49 501 100 556 25 10,206
Vallès Occidental 779,327 18,913 3,194 34,141 6,325 38,837 5,793 886,530
Vallès Oriental 350,154 7,648 1,592 18,612 1,552 15,357 1,776 396,691
Catalonia 6,313,843 309,290 53,883 315,007 65,099 331,360 123,899 7,512,381
Metropolità 4,268,447 159,245 29,196 152,285 46,714 256,488 100,586 5,012,961
Comarques Gironines 578,889 49,506 9,619 55,938 10,225 24,491 9,684 738,352
Camp de Tarragona 504,583 35,451 5,447 39,154 3,862 22,881 5,474 616,852
Terres de l'Ebre 153,523 20,968 2,386 8,102 497 3,977 2,115 191,568
Ponent 295,432 25,381 4,090 26,376 1,464 8,766 2,391 363,900
Comarques Centrals 449,006 12,889 2,405 31,386 1,858 11,048 3,494 512,086
Alt Pirineu i Aran 63,963 5,850 740 1,766 479 3,709 155 76,662
Barcelona 4,705,660 171,447 31,515 182,706 48,543 267,248 104,028 5,511,147
Girona 590,799 50,415 9,859 56,166 10,295 25,801 9,711 753,046
Lleida 359,278 31,009 4,676 28,879 1,902 11,453 2,571 439,768
Tarragona 658,106 56,419 7,833 47,256 4,359 26,858 7,589 808,420
Units: Persons.
Source: Idescat. Municipal population register.

Last update: February 16, 2011.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

All inhabitants of a given place. Since 1996, when the continuous management system was established for the Municipal Population Register, in accordance with Royal Decree 2612/1996, of December 20, official population figures for municipalities have been obtained annually using data referred to January 1 of each year.
Person who habitually lives in a municipality, whether present or absent on the date of reference. Acquisition of the condition of neighbour is produced as soon as that person is recorded on the civil register (padró). Those who habitually live in a municipality but are away on the date of reference are still considered neighbours of the municipality they usually live in. The concept of a neighbour substitutes the concepts of a present resident and absent resident in a municipality in accordance with Royal Decree 2612/1996, of December 20, which modified the Regulation for the population and territorial demarcation of local entities on July 11, 1986. The figure of the person in transit has also been eliminated.

Methodological aspects

The basic on information population by nationality and place of birth, as well as the population of the municipalities, is obtained from the Municipal Population Register.

The Municipal population register is the administrative record containing the residents of a given municipality and it constitutes proof that they reside in the municipality and have their usual home there. Population figures from the revision of the Register on 1 January are declared official in each of the municipalities by the Government of Spain, by means of a Royal Decree. The exploitation of the municipal population register provides figures on the number of people registered in the population census in each municipality in Catalonia. The official figures are available by municipality and they are broken down according to sex, age, nationality and place of birth.