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Population. By size of municipality. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Population. By size of municipality. Counties, areas and provinces 2024
Up to 500 From 501 to 2,000 From 2,001 to 5,000 From 5,001 to 10,000 From 10,001 to 50,000 More than 50,000 Total
Alt Camp 2,594 10,984 2,391 5,334 25,085 0 46,388
Alt Empordà 8,265 27,527 10,509 10,744 91,687 0 148,732
Alt Penedès 360 13,030 30,547 15,796 54,456 0 114,189
Alt Urgell 2,216 6,153 0 0 12,759 0 21,128
Alta Ribagorça 0 1,625 2,415 0 0 0 4,040
Anoia 2,648 8,233 19,286 5,558 92,707 0 128,432
Aran 681 4,071 0 5,793 0 0 10,545
Bages 1,683 4,874 29,627 48,328 21,103 79,737 185,352
Baix Camp 784 10,131 12,836 19,875 50,871 109,961 204,458
Baix Ebre 363 4,254 14,607 15,721 47,454 0 82,399
Baix Empordà 5,033 10,935 6,810 5,833 114,832 0 143,443
Baix Llobregat 0 0 18,532 39,581 412,645 378,069 848,827
Baix Penedès 0 3,245 21,517 5,745 87,843 0 118,350
Barcelonès 0 0 0 0 38,672 2,315,629 2,354,301
Berguedà 4,050 5,836 8,905 5,072 17,195 0 41,058
Cerdanya 2,802 5,006 2,266 0 10,041 0 20,115
Conca de Barberà 3,249 3,108 6,673 7,539 0 0 20,569
Garraf 0 0 4,452 5,360 81,802 70,293 161,907
Garrigues 4,070 3,057 5,608 6,340 0 0 19,075
Garrotxa 2,257 12,455 8,901 0 38,836 0 62,449
Gironès 1,280 8,857 18,534 25,539 44,887 106,476 205,573
Lluçanès 1,238 1,784 2,696 0 0 0 5,718
Maresme 0 2,269 11,052 76,276 252,088 130,887 472,572
Moianès 874 4,403 2,766 6,715 0 0 14,758
Montsià 425 3,033 7,490 22,087 38,425 0 71,460
Noguera 4,511 9,414 8,205 0 17,597 0 39,727
Osona 3,177 7,990 37,127 29,981 85,731 0 164,006
Pallars Jussà 1,914 2,370 3,043 6,056 0 0 13,383
Pallars Sobirà 3,491 1,583 2,258 0 0 0 7,332
Pla d'Urgell 0 10,669 11,762 0 15,680 0 38,111
Pla de l'Estany 1,406 4,275 7,176 0 20,707 0 33,564
Priorat 4,913 1,632 2,875 0 0 0 9,420
Ribera d'Ebre 761 9,000 6,632 5,739 0 0 22,132
Ripollès 2,826 3,083 9,144 0 10,773 0 25,826
Segarra 3,185 2,343 0 17,139 0 0 22,667
Segrià 3,350 17,871 28,040 13,497 10,217 144,878 217,853
Selva 910 4,786 25,167 56,458 97,943 0 185,264
Solsonès 2,674 3,256 0 9,393 0 0 15,323
Tarragonès 158 6,598 17,966 36,926 72,456 141,018 275,122
Terra Alta 1,235 7,051 3,160 0 0 0 11,446
Urgell 1,959 7,164 0 10,838 18,570 0 38,531
Vallès Occidental 174 920 4,759 43,284 223,035 687,861 960,033
Vallès Oriental 718 5,697 24,831 71,221 208,244 115,942 426,653
Catalonia 82,234 260,572 260,572 440,565 2,314,341 4,280,751 8,012,231
Metropolità 975 10,335 61,940 230,362 1,134,684 3,628,388 5,066,684
Comarques Gironines 21,977 71,918 86,241 98,574 419,665 106,476 804,851
Camp de Tarragona 11,698 32,453 42,741 69,674 148,412 250,979 555,957
Terres de l'Ebre 2,784 23,338 31,889 43,547 85,879 0 187,437
Ponent 17,075 50,518 53,615 47,814 62,064 144,878 375,964
Comarques Centrals 14,843 27,248 81,950 99,489 124,029 79,737 427,296
Alt Pirineu i Aran 11,104 20,808 9,982 11,849 22,800 0 76,543
Penedès 1,778 23,954 72,207 32,459 316,808 70,293 517,499
Barcelona 14,285 55,539 194,580 347,172 1,487,678 3,778,418 5,877,672
Girona 24,309 75,802 86,241 98,574 429,706 106,476 821,108
Lleida 29,158 70,195 63,597 69,056 74,823 144,878 451,707
Tarragona 14,482 59,036 96,147 118,966 322,134 250,979 861,744
Source: Idescat, based on the INE Annual Population Census.
Note: As of May 2023, the data are presented according to the current territorial distribution (in accordance with Law 7/2023, on the creation of El Lluçanès county, which also territorially modifies El Bages and Osona).

Last update: December 19, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Administrative constituency of a territorial nature, governed by a council, considered the basic unit of territorial organisation and primary element of citizen participation in public affairs, as established by Law 8/1987, of April 15 on municipalities and the local regime for Catalonia. A municipality enjoys its own autonomy, is of a legal character and has full capacity to exercise the public functions bestowed upon it, in order to represent the interests of its respective collective and to manage the public services that it assumed ownership of. The government and administration of the municipality correspond to the municipal council.
All inhabitants of a given place. Since 1996, when the continuous management system was established for the Municipal Population Register, in accordance with Royal Decree 2612/1996, of December 20, official population figures for municipalities have been obtained annually using data referred to January 1 of each year.
Person who habitually lives in a municipality, whether present or absent on the date of reference. Acquisition of the condition of neighbour is produced as soon as that person is recorded on the civil register (padró). Those who habitually live in a municipality but are away on the date of reference are still considered neighbours of the municipality they usually live in. The concept of a neighbour substitutes the concepts of a present resident and absent resident in a municipality in accordance with Royal Decree 2612/1996, of December 20, which modified the Regulation for the population and territorial demarcation of local entities on July 11, 1986. The figure of the person in transit has also been eliminated.

Methodological aspects

A partir de 2021 la font d’informació és el cens de població.

El Cens de població té periodicitat anual a partir de l’any 2021 i s'elabora mitjançant la combinació de registres administratius, on el Padró d'habitants n'és l'element bàsic. En l’elaboració del Cens de població s'apliquen tractaments i procediments estadístics que inclouen contrastos amb altres fonts i permeten oferir un recompte estadístic més acurat de la població i de les seves característiques que el Padró d'habitants.

The Municipal population register is the administrative record containing the residents of a given municipality and it constitutes proof that they reside in the municipality and have their usual home there. Population figures from the revision of the Register on 1 January are declared official in each of the municipalities by the Government of Spain, by means of a Royal Decree. The exploitation of the municipal population register provides figures on the number of people registered in the population census in each municipality in Catalonia. The official figures are available by municipality and they are broken down according to sex, age, nationality and place of birth.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.