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Population. By size of municipality. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Registered population. By size of municipality. Counties, areas and provinces 2004
Up to 500 From 501 to 2,000 From 2,001 to 5,000 From 5,001 to 10,000 From 10,001 to 50,000 More than 50,000 Total
Alt Camp 3,173 9,099 4,315 0 22,237 0 38,824
Alt Empordà 9,392 21,584 14,512 15,232 51,719 0 112,439
Alt Penedès 1,192 21,620 10,130 11,059 45,443 0 89,444
Alt Urgell 2,544 5,850 0 0 11,921 0 20,315
Alta Ribagorça 0 1,584 2,212 0 0 0 3,796
Anoia 2,932 10,945 8,982 21,121 57,768 0 101,748
Bages 2,218 8,311 26,455 59,634 0 68,505 165,123
Baix Camp 1,584 15,011 9,467 13,782 24,604 96,642 161,090
Baix Ebre 385 4,388 11,150 13,049 42,736 0 71,708
Baix Empordà 4,349 9,797 9,857 35,826 55,737 0 115,566
Baix Llobregat 0 1,297 17,223 44,062 337,334 341,108 741,024
Baix Penedès 907 8,000 11,248 8,086 45,424 0 73,665
Barcelonès 0 0 0 0 32,921 2,160,459 2,193,380
Berguedà 3,257 9,037 11,177 0 15,753 0 39,224
Cerdanya 2,934 4,761 0 8,370 0 0 16,065
Conca de Barberà 3,370 3,119 6,621 6,479 0 0 19,589
Garraf 0 0 4,819 9,549 48,452 59,409 122,229
Garrigues 3,536 5,067 5,182 5,425 0 0 19,210
Garrotxa 2,255 10,639 7,416 0 30,306 0 50,616
Gironès 1,793 7,656 20,596 14,786 25,912 83,531 154,274
Maresme 330 1,016 24,238 76,351 170,524 114,114 386,573
Montsià 394 3,195 6,909 20,659 30,832 0 61,989
Noguera 4,172 11,777 5,905 0 14,540 0 36,394
Osona 4,784 13,381 28,465 23,913 68,087 0 138,630
Pallars Jussà 2,294 1,887 2,961 5,570 0 0 12,712
Pallars Sobirà 3,297 1,366 2,003 0 0 0 6,666
Pla d'Urgell 0 11,523 9,147 0 11,087 0 31,757
Pla de l'Estany 1,272 5,527 3,919 0 16,423 0 27,141
Priorat 4,873 2,021 2,627 0 0 0 9,521
Ribera d'Ebre 862 9,696 12,074 0 0 0 22,632
Ripollès 2,874 1,183 11,388 0 10,717 0 26,162
Segarra 3,103 4,060 4,439 8,564 0 0 20,166
Segrià 3,132 21,736 20,969 10,846 0 119,935 176,618
Selva 888 6,692 29,888 27,100 72,170 0 136,738
Solsonès 2,624 1,546 0 8,127 0 0 12,297
Tarragonès 1,092 7,690 19,120 5,462 45,714 123,584 202,662
Terra Alta 941 6,568 4,955 0 0 0 12,464
Urgell 2,737 6,847 4,243 5,212 13,999 0 33,038
Val d'Aran 609 3,385 4,838 0 0 0 8,832
Vallès Occidental 209 1,977 6,141 27,032 184,972 570,101 790,432
Vallès Oriental 1,867 9,070 22,267 69,719 140,496 107,147 350,566
Catalonia 88,175 289,908 407,858 555,015 1,627,828 3,844,535 6,813,319
Metropolità 3,598 34,980 84,818 237,772 960,142 3,352,338 4,673,648
Comarques Gironines 22,823 63,078 97,576 92,944 262,984 83,531 622,936
Camp de Tarragona 14,999 44,940 53,398 33,809 137,979 220,226 505,351
Terres de l'Ebre 2,582 23,847 35,088 33,708 73,568 0 168,793
Ponent 16,680 61,010 49,885 30,047 39,626 119,935 317,183
Comarques Centrals 15,815 43,220 75,079 112,795 141,608 68,505 457,022
Alt Pirineu i Aran 11,678 18,833 12,014 13,940 11,921 0 68,386
Barcelona 16,215 76,740 159,897 342,440 1,101,750 3,420,843 5,117,885
Girona 25,313 65,480 97,576 101,314 262,984 83,531 636,198
Lleida 29,066 78,901 61,899 43,744 51,547 119,935 385,092
Tarragona 17,581 68,787 88,486 67,517 211,547 220,226 674,144
Source: Idescat. Municipal population register.

Last update: June 18, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Administrative constituency of a territorial nature, governed by a council, considered the basic unit of territorial organisation and primary element of citizen participation in public affairs, as established by Law 8/1987, of April 15 on municipalities and the local regime for Catalonia. A municipality enjoys its own autonomy, is of a legal character and has full capacity to exercise the public functions bestowed upon it, in order to represent the interests of its respective collective and to manage the public services that it assumed ownership of. The government and administration of the municipality correspond to the municipal council.
All inhabitants of a given place. Since 1996, when the continuous management system was established for the Municipal Population Register, in accordance with Royal Decree 2612/1996, of December 20, official population figures for municipalities have been obtained annually using data referred to January 1 of each year.
Person who habitually lives in a municipality, whether present or absent on the date of reference. Acquisition of the condition of neighbour is produced as soon as that person is recorded on the civil register (padró). Those who habitually live in a municipality but are away on the date of reference are still considered neighbours of the municipality they usually live in. The concept of a neighbour substitutes the concepts of a present resident and absent resident in a municipality in accordance with Royal Decree 2612/1996, of December 20, which modified the Regulation for the population and territorial demarcation of local entities on July 11, 1986. The figure of the person in transit has also been eliminated.

Methodological aspects

The basic on information population by nationality and place of birth, as well as the population of the municipalities, is obtained from the Municipal Population Register.

The Municipal population register is the administrative record containing the residents of a given municipality and it constitutes proof that they reside in the municipality and have their usual home there. Population figures from the revision of the Register on 1 January are declared official in each of the municipalities by the Government of Spain, by means of a Royal Decree. The exploitation of the municipal population register provides figures on the number of people registered in the population census in each municipality in Catalonia. The official figures are available by municipality and they are broken down according to sex, age, nationality and place of birth.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".