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Municipal waste. Selective collection. Counties and Aran, and areas

Municipal waste. Selective collection. Counties and Aran, and areas 2020
Glass Paper and cardboard Lightweight plastic and metal packaging Organic material Pruning & gardening Heavy waste and wood Others (1) Total
Alt Camp 1,112 1,490 1,202 2,954 452 1,752 1,754 10,716
Alt Empordà 4,604 5,867 3,644 2,738 12,183 21,079 8,790 58,903
Alt Penedès 3,525 3,646 2,755 5,886 1,715 6,693 5,126 29,347
Alt Urgell 618 968 737 1,570 159 439 740 5,230
Alta Ribagorça 153 234 143 201 0 212 152 1,094
Anoia 2,551 3,185 2,607 6,759 1,666 9,736 3,191 29,696
Aran 580 542 265 208 0 601 844 3,040
Bages 4,179 4,987 4,857 10,215 2,558 4,612 16,299 47,708
Baix Camp 4,437 6,022 4,891 9,347 7,074 7,511 6,810 46,091
Baix Ebre 1,907 2,881 1,745 4,688 3,066 2,928 3,735 20,950
Baix Empordà 5,836 5,031 4,591 10,511 7,105 8,163 8,776 50,014
Baix Llobregat 17,061 23,299 18,396 32,680 17,106 22,545 33,257 164,344
Baix Penedès 2,823 3,118 2,541 4,275 4,596 6,815 3,593 27,761
Barcelonès 44,677 72,422 35,596 115,498 9,686 45,904 33,662 357,444
Berguedà 1,483 1,644 1,902 5,178 61 1,219 1,168 12,656
Cerdanya 787 768 505 453 0 410 659 3,582
Conca de Barberà 580 772 608 1,833 429 1,106 1,316 6,644
Garraf 4,422 4,621 3,070 5,820 1,423 10,996 6,514 36,867
Garrigues 407 505 395 1,052 25 314 510 3,207
Garrotxa 1,441 1,905 2,317 4,146 450 2,147 1,265 13,671
Gironès 4,135 6,898 5,017 15,734 2,966 6,091 5,888 46,728
Maresme 12,352 14,069 11,794 31,909 11,487 22,339 18,079 122,029
Moianès 480 522 528 1,450 795 504 1,062 5,341
Montsià 1,643 1,973 2,044 4,912 1,004 2,568 4,227 18,371
Noguera 930 1,197 965 2,757 342 534 512 7,238
Osona 4,482 13,003 7,214 15,498 723 4,929 4,029 49,879
Pallars Jussà 450 564 328 616 3 865 297 3,123
Pallars Sobirà 386 377 276 795 266 309 374 2,783
Pla d'Urgell 928 1,186 1,036 2,596 159 821 1,657 8,383
Pla de l'Estany 822 1,286 842 1,827 1,485 347 702 7,311
Priorat 316 313 282 758 121 565 126 2,481
Ribera d'Ebre 609 686 586 1,286 179 885 660 4,890
Ripollès 920 1,217 815 1,643 73 980 1,457 7,104
Segarra 659 983 797 2,135 100 797 723 6,194
Segrià 4,052 9,061 5,138 12,049 1,050 2,781 3,072 37,202
Selva 4,486 5,531 4,431 11,979 5,180 9,689 8,124 49,420
Solsonès 440 637 412 944 39 298 336 3,105
Tarragonès 5,668 7,342 6,785 10,838 9,154 7,415 4,163 51,366
Terra Alta 367 389 351 1,204 8 388 101 2,808
Urgell 754 1,518 725 2,083 179 1,330 1,676 8,265
Vallès Occidental 19,040 29,214 21,327 47,131 12,118 30,477 23,687 182,994
Vallès Oriental 8,885 12,023 9,428 25,054 5,969 17,277 13,350 91,986
Catalonia 184,100 411,527 184,274 421,212 123,152 267,373 232,461 1,824,099
Metropolità 102,163 151,198 96,719 252,808 56,662 138,862 122,256 920,669
Comarques Gironines 22,243 27,735 21,657 48,578 29,442 48,495 35,001 233,151
Camp de Tarragona 12,112 15,939 13,769 25,730 17,230 18,349 14,170 117,298
Terres de l'Ebre 4,526 5,929 4,726 12,090 4,257 6,770 8,721 47,019
Ponent 7,730 14,450 9,056 22,671 1,855 6,577 8,151 70,490
Comarques Centrals 11,043 20,814 14,891 33,127 4,019 11,444 22,914 118,252
Alt Pirineu i Aran 2,973 3,451 2,253 3,843 428 2,836 3,066 18,852
Penedès 13,194 14,379 10,817 22,364 9,260 34,040 18,183 122,236
Units: Tons.
Source: Agència de Residus de Catalunya.
Note: (1) Includes selective collection of other municipal waste: batteries, medicines, textiles and other household waste.

Last update: February 15, 2022.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Selective collection
Differentiated collection of fermentable organic materials and recyclable materials, and any other system of differentiated collection that enables the separation of useful materials contained in waste.
Municipal waste
Domestic waste and waste from shops, services, offices and other waste that, due to its nature or composition, may be similar to domestic waste.

Methodological aspects

The European Union indicates that one of the areas of political action is waste management, in accordance with the basic principles of generating the minimum amount and managing it efficiently.

The availability of regular, representative and reliable data on the generation, collection and treatment of waste provides information describing the situation and state of waste, as well as making comparison between different territories possible.

The Catalan Waste Agency publishes annual data on the generation of municipal waste, on the basis of data provided by different local entities responsible for the collection and treatment of municipal waste.

From 2003, including for the calculation of generation per capita, the registered population has been used. In 2002, the Population and Housing Census 2001 was used, and in 2001 and 2000 the Population Statistics 1996 were used. Note that the seasonal tourist population supported by some municipalities has a higher generation of waste per capita.

In terms of selective collection, the difference between the total from adding the geographic partials (counties and areas of the territorial plan) and the total published for Catalonia is due to the existence of commercial waste that cannot be attributed to specific territories. The "Others" category includes waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), batteries, medications, textiles, rubble and other special waste. Home composting, which was considered for the first time in 2012, has been included in the "Organic Material" category.

Provisional data.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".