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Industrial waste. Counties and Aran, and areas

Residus industrials. Comarques i àmbits
1998 1997 1996 1995
Alt Camp 72,140 63,898 48,160 57,807
Alt Empordà 25,347 22,890 18,321 14,777
Alt Penedès 131,516 171,942 127,782 117,112
Alt Urgell 2,875 2,591 3,732 1,074
Alta Ribagorça 537 459 420 23
Anoia 190,348 161,677 134,072 92,729
Bages 170,967 159,038 122,255 106,743
Baix Camp 69,874 56,704 72,666 87,383
Baix Ebre 56,915 50,429 24,553 25,455
Baix Empordà 37,694 28,716 20,051 15,440
Baix Llobregat 609,212 540,077 520,944 493,778
Baix Penedès 38,184 22,208 15,656 24,143
Barcelonès 451,980 432,365 396,540 389,193
Berguedà 200,235 283,283 178,953 184,544
Cerdanya 3,396 2,025 694 172
Conca de Barberà 9,286 9,105 7,549 7,267
Garraf 20,986 19,080 8,948 14,899
Garrigues 5,264 1,939 1,302 1,564
Garrotxa 66,179 47,000 46,766 44,933
Gironès 141,022 139,916 139,476 106,861
Maresme 134,658 116,615 93,694 97,286
Montsià 16,033 13,041 4,115 4,904
Noguera 8,880 7,257 5,313 2,135
Osona 233,016 236,774 221,812 168,919
Pallars Jussà 4,139 2,345 838 425
Pallars Sobirà 414 1,110 1,214 6
Pla d'Urgell 39,122 34,662 33,923 29,144
Pla de l'Estany 32,452 40,245 39,023 34,022
Priorat 2,080 854 1,302 2,727
Ribera d'Ebre 52,525 60,865 47,350 22,150
Ripollès 24,997 30,337 20,123 16,353
Segarra 49,707 46,583 35,016 32,955
Segrià 176,131 158,168 134,612 140,844
Selva 100,625 89,581 66,928 75,433
Solsonès 47,781 46,750 34,988 26,340
Tarragonès 217,770 202,836 188,506 188,109
Terra Alta 1,140 728 480 352
Urgell 13,919 11,171 9,505 7,985
Val d'Aran 1,298 1,144 1,192 1,224
Vallès Occidental 1,046,388 894,758 851,284 678,303
Vallès Oriental 508,975 438,560 409,051 386,906
Catalunya 5,016,007 4,649,726 4,089,109 3,702,419
Metropolità 2,903,715 2,613,397 2,408,243 2,177,477
Comarques Gironines 428,316 398,685 350,688 307,819
Camp de Tarragona 409,334 355,605 333,839 367,436
Terres de l'Ebre 126,613 125,063 76,498 52,861
Ponent 302,286 267,429 227,067 217,379
Comarques Centrals 845,743 889,547 692,774 579,447
Units: Tons.
Source: Junta de Residus.
Residus industrials: dades obtingudes a partir de les declaracions anuals dels residus industrials, segons la legislació vigent (article 4.3 del Decret 142/84). No s'hi inclouen els residus exclosos segons la Llei 6/1993, de 15 de juliol, reguladora dels residus, ni els que no són de procedència industrial.
Les declaracions anuals dels residus industrials van dirigides als establiments industrials, per tant, una determinada empresa ha de presentar tantes declaracions com factories tingui a Catalunya.

Last update: May 18, 2021.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Industrial waste
Waste derived from manufacturing or industrial activities or processes. Can be: special or non special.
Special industrial waste
Any waste included in the application of Directive 91/689/CE, of December 12.
Non special waste
That which is not included in the previous definition.

Methodological aspects

Industrial waste is presented classified by types, by activity sectors and by counties, in accordance with the new Waste catalogue. Not included is waste resulting from mining activities or from the exploitation of stone, or radioactive waste or unclassified explosives. Neither is sanitary or municipal waste included, nor that from agricultural or livestock operations that is reused by the agricultural operation, or that which is managed as wastewater.

Groupings according to Section 8 of EU Regulation 849/2010, in relation to statistics on waste:

  • 1 Agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing
  • 2 Mining industry
  • 3 Food, beverages and tobacco
  • 4 Textiles, dressmaking, leather and footwear
  • 5 Wood and cork, except furniture; basketware
  • 6 Paper, graphic arts and recorded media
  • 7 Coke products and petroleum refinery
  • 8 Chemical industries, pharmaceutical products, rubber & plastic materials
  • 9 Other non metallic mineral products
  • 10 Metallurgy and metal products
  • 11 Computer products, electronics and optics, electric machinery, mechanical, motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, other transport materials
  • 12 Furniture, manufacturing, machinery and equipment
  • 13 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
  • 14 Collection, supply and treat. of water, sewage, purification and others
  • 15 Collection, treatment and elimination of waste; evaluation
  • 16 Construction
  • 17 Services (except wholesale of scrap metal and waste)
  • 18 Wholesale of scrap metal and waste

In accordance with the criteria of the Industrial Waste Management Programme (PROGRIC), and on the basis of Declaration 2006, the data on industrial waste is determined in accordance with the grouping into activities: industries, treatment plants and waste managers.

The data of Industrial waste obtained from annual declarations of industrial waste.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".