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Industrial waste. By sectors of activity

Industrial waste. By sectors of activity. CCAE-93 Catalonia
2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998
10 Carbons 46 30 32 11 14 18,583 30,120 30,241 30,170 30,283 30,297
15 Food and beverages 1,217,611 1,248,196 1,263,190 1,242,620 1,188,730 1,306,053 1,214,935 1,260,610 1,145,511 1,047,614 848,438
17 Textile industry 55,723 113,767 107,934 108,610 122,827 124,203 138,555 126,967 127,576 117,144 115,027
19 Leatherwork and footwear 25,970 34,795 32,298 31,740 38,868 50,743 60,354 71,794 68,658 62,776 56,411
20 Wood and cork (except furniture) 199,517 201,186 122,274 138,265 165,696 188,233 155,058 133,889 138,636 126,459 151,630
21 Paper 360,151 387,855 357,938 390,130 407,288 381,554 381,757 376,329 348,456 318,333 311,872
22 Publishing and graphic arts 152,785 173,859 157,284 152,471 139,372 117,742 136,648 119,057 111,981 106,103 84,455
24 Chemicals 654,551 669,647 674,636 624,496 642,348 631,886 649,089 656,824 592,860 594,890 587,075
25 Rubber and plastic 125,127 136,203 132,205 153,786 133,054 122,653 118,182 115,779 113,588 110,753 94,826
26 Non-metallic minerals 376,954 464,649 432,645 355,806 301,867 257,895 219,603 201,947 222,207 203,611 201,147
27 Metallurgy 585,887 564,258 563,040 596,009 458,856 395,371 426,643 404,314 386,377 391,289 394,237
28 Metal products 403,974 430,754 431,908 332,829 372,185 354,844 354,305 320,804 298,823 262,284 246,971
29 Mechanical machinery and equipment 81,119 98,479 85,714 75,493 75,200 71,430 73,694 73,958 71,807 60,810 59,135
31 Electric machinery and equipment 69,730 70,760 68,087 70,404 65,114 65,620 66,873 70,769 65,840 65,596 61,148
34 Motor vehicles and trailers 295,726 362,774 343,425 320,197 319,956 317,024 305,263 308,145 320,766 279,852 269,353
36 Furniture and other manufacturing 53,486 79,156 80,541 58,595 65,901 75,602 57,694 53,154 49,903 45,505 49,431
37 Recycling 54,371 61,924 109,382 218,374 181,603 161,488 230,343 223,601 245,933 212,360 142,817
40 Electricity, gas and water 98,949 101,135 149,182 101,800 138,066 101,245 183,314 57,075 166,542 140,429 139,720
90 Public sanitation 604,584 611,765 664,873 1,185,591 1,297,244 1,031,764 1,029,659 1,012,566 992,278 1,035,069 968,784
0 Others 273,887 182,948 129,030 212,634 117,127 91,193 100,231 98,311 94,090 70,358 203,233
Total 5,690,147 5,994,140 5,905,618 6,369,862 6,231,302 5,865,126 5,932,320 5,716,134 5,592,002 5,281,518 5,016,007
Units: Tons.
Source: Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. Agència de Residus de Catalunya.

Last update: June 17, 2011.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Industrial waste
Waste derived from manufacturing or industrial activities or processes. Can be: special or non special.

Methodological aspects

Industrial waste is presented classified by types, by activity sectors and by counties, in accordance with the new Waste catalogue. Not included is waste resulting from mining activities or from the exploitation of stone, or radioactive waste or unclassified explosives. Neither is sanitary or municipal waste included, nor that from agricultural or livestock operations that is reused by the agricultural operation, or that which is managed as wastewater.

Groupings according to Section 8 of EU Regulation 849/2010, in relation to statistics on waste:

  • 1 Agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing
  • 2 Mining industry
  • 3 Food, beverages and tobacco
  • 4 Textiles, dressmaking, leather and footwear
  • 5 Wood and cork, except furniture; basketware
  • 6 Paper, graphic arts and recorded media
  • 7 Coke products and petroleum refinery
  • 8 Chemical industries, pharmaceutical products, rubber & plastic materials
  • 9 Other non metallic mineral products
  • 10 Metallurgy and metal products
  • 11 Computer products, electronics and optics, electric machinery, mechanical, motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, other transport materials
  • 12 Furniture, manufacturing, machinery and equipment
  • 13 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
  • 14 Collection, supply and treat. of water, sewage, purification and others
  • 15 Collection, treatment and elimination of waste; evaluation
  • 16 Construction
  • 17 Services (except wholesale of scrap metal and waste)
  • 18 Wholesale of scrap metal and waste

In accordance with the criteria of the Industrial Waste Management Programme (PROGRIC), and on the basis of Declaration 2006, the data on industrial waste is determined in accordance with the grouping into activities: industries, treatment plants and waste managers.

The data of Industrial waste obtained from annual declarations of industrial waste.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".