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Hunting licences. Provinces

Hunting licences. Provinces 2010
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Virtual Procedures Office Catalonia
With firearms 19,891 11,043 10,266 14,525 9,588 65,313
Without firearms (1) 6,881 569 405 1,036 162 9,053
Total 26,772 11,612 10,671 15,561 9,750 74,366
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Natural Environment.
Note: (1) Ferreting, falconry, finches, predator control.

Last update: May 19, 2011.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Pack of hounds
Group of dogs that hunt together.
Llicència de caça
Document nominal i intransferible de tinença obligada per a la pràctica de la caça dins del territori de Catalunya. S'obté mitjançant el pagament d'una taxa que es reinverteix en la gestió, la conservació, la repoblació i la vigilància de la caça i els hàbitats.

Methodological aspects

Hunting is a sport or recreational activity, therefore in order to do it, several aspects must be taken into account, such as the procedures to obtain licences and permits, the places where hunting is permitted, the time of the year it can be done, game species, etc. There is a also a Strategic Plan which aims to define a hunting model that is sustainable within nature and compatible with other territorial activities.

This table presents the data for the licences issued each year by each territorial service of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food or the Virtual Citizen Care Office, and includes the various types of licences. Therefore, this value is not comparable to the current number of licences, as there are multi-year licences (for 3 and 5 years).

There are different types of hunting licence:

  • Type A licence: Hunting with firearms or similar.
  • Type B licence: Hunting without firearms.
  • Type C licence: Having a pack of hounds.
  • Type JA licence: Hunting with firearms for over 65s.
  • Type JB licence: Hunting without firearms for over 65s.
  • Type AT licence: Hunting with firearms and similar for 15 consecutive days.

There are type A licences of 1, 3 or 5 years duration.

Hunting licence can be obtained in situ or on-line by the Virtual Citizen Care Office (OVT).