Hunting areas. By types
Spaces | Surface area (ha) | |
Authorised hunting | 23 | 313,976 |
National hunting reserves | 8 | 225,908 |
Controlled hunting zones | 15 | 88,068 |
Protected spaces | 80 | 10,858 |
Wildlife refuges | 78 | 10,469 |
Hunting refuges | 2 | 389 |
Total | 103 | 324,834 |
Source: Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. Direcció General del Medi Natural. |
Last update: June 18, 2009.
Methodological note
Definition of concepts
- Private and local hunting area
- Continuous area of land to be used for hunting, at the request of the interested person. In order to obtain the "Private and local hunting area" declaration, a technical plan for hunting management must be submitted and approved.
- Hunting refuges
- Area where hunting is prohibited so as to ensure the conservation of certain species of game fauna, according to the declaration granted by the department responsible for hunting.
- Wildlife refuges
- Limited areas to preserve wildlife and in which hunting is not permitted, according to a statement issued by the department responsible for the environment. They are governed by Legislative Decree 2/2008 of 15 April, approving the Revised Text of the Animal Protection Act.
- National hunting reserves
- Area with special physical-biological characteristics that make it ideal for hunting. The aim of the protection is to conserve and promote the species that live there, as well as to manage its use. They are created by Law, in accordance with the Hunting Act of 1970.
- Controlled hunting zones
- Areas declared to protect, conserve, promote and organise the abundance of game. The control and regulation of hunting is the responsibility of the department responsible for hunting.
Methodological aspects
Hunting is a sport or recreational activity, therefore in order to do it, several aspects must be taken into account, such as the procedures to obtain licences and permits, the places where hunting is permitted, the time of the year it can be done, game species, etc. There is a also a Strategic Plan which aims to define a hunting model that is sustainable within nature and compatible with other territorial activities.
Les Àrees de caça són terrenys sotmesos a règim cinegètic especial definit en la Llei 1/1970, de 4 d'abril, de caça, en què la caça és reglamentada i hi ha un responsable dels aprofitaments. Són majoritàriament de titularitat privada, i s'hi estableix un conveni de cessió de l'aprofitament cinegètic entre el propietari dels terrenys i el titular de l'aprofitament. És el titular de l'aprofitament qui té el dret d'autoritzar la caça.
També té la responsabilitat de la gestió i dels danys que puguin originar les espècies de caça.
Available tables [+]
- Demography · Society
- Quality of life
- Economy
- Economic sectors
Environment · Territory
- Hydrology
- Weather
Natural enviroment
- Hunting areas. By types
- Restocking of game population. By species. Provinces
- Hunting licences. Provinces
- Hunting. Captures. By species. Provinces
- Continental fishing. Licences and denunciations. Provinces
- Forest fires. By causes
- Forest fires. By months
- Forest fires. Affected area. Counties and Aran
- Forest clearing. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Reforestation. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Plan for spaces of natural interest (PEIN). Counties and Aran, and areas
- Specially protected natural spaces. By types
- Environmental indicators
- Material Flow Accounts
- Territory