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Fluvial systems. Contribution. By seasons

Fluvial systems. Contribution. Internal basins. By seasons Catalonia. 2014
Water supplied (hm³)
Rivers and tributaries Gauging station Autumn Winter Spring Summer Annual total Average volume (m³/sec)
Muga Castelló d'Empúries 65.5 4.8 7.5 11.8 89.6 2.8
Fluvià Esponellà 94.5 8.2 15.3 17.4 135.4 4.3
Ter Masies de Roda (1) 170.5 41.5 104.2 105.1 421.3 13.4
Ridaura Santa Cristina d'Aro 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.4 0.0
Tordera Sant Celoni 5.0 1.3 1.5 1.2 9.0 0.3
Besòs Santa Coloma de Gramenet 45.3 24.5 20.4 21.3 111.4 3.5
Congost La Garriga 6.8 1.5 1.2 1.2 10.7 0.3
Llobregat Castellbell i el Vilar 144.5 50.6 59.9 88.3 343.2 10.9
Cardener Súria (2) 33.4 18.5 22.2 17.0 91.0 2.9
Anoia Sant Sadurní d'Anoia 12.2 7.1 6.1 6.2 31.6 1.0
Foix Castellet i la Gornal (3) 5.3 0.7 0.9 2.6 9.4 0.3
Gaià Vilabella 2.8 0.9 0.7 0.9 5.3 0.2
Francolí Tarragona 4.6 5.3 3.9 0.5 14.3 0.5
Siurana Cornudella de Montsant 2.0 1.1 3.1 1.2 7.5 0.3
Source: Agència Catalana de l'Aigua.
(1) Valor deduït del cabal d'entrada a l'embassament de Sau.
(2) Caudales de la estación de Cardona.
(3) Valor deduït del cabal d'entrada a l'embassament de Foix.

Last update: May 29, 2015.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Contribution of a river
Total volume of water that flows in a year (hm³/year) past the point where the volume is measured.
Volume of a river
Result of multiplying the area of the section of the water flow, at a certain point, by the speed at which it moves. It is measured in cubic metres per second.
Hydrographical basin
Set of slopes that incline towards a single flow of water.
Gauging station
Point for measuring fluvial volume. The set of stations constitute a network that can be used to evaluate the total hydraulic resources.
Surface area of the gauging station basin
Total surface area of the receiving basin that is associated exactly with the point where the gauging station is located.

Methodological aspects

The Catalan Water Agency (ACA) manages and plans the water cycle, with a vision of integrated water systems, taking into account the balance of all ecosystems. Water becomes a basic structural and functional element to the environment and life. This management must be compatible with the growing demand for permanence, universality and immediacy of the citizens of an advanced society, and ensure quality and good service.

The hydrology section includes fluvial systems. The fluvial systems are distributed by basins. The data refers to the volume of water contributed by rivers at different observation points (gauging stations). As for reservoirs, the volume of water stored per season is recorded. Series tables complement the information to enable comparability.

Since 2010, the Garriga's gauging station has been replaced by the one at Esponella.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".