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By degree of disability and sex. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Persons legally recognised as being disabled. By degree of disability and sex. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces Catalonia
By degree of disability By sex
From 33% to 64% From 65% to 74% 75% & more Men Women Total
2023 410,657 155,194 111,689 327,897 349,643 677,540
2022 399,316 153,827 107,333 320,263 340,213 660,476
2021 384,016 148,873 101,909 308,757 326,041 634,798
2020 371,605 145,692 98,755 300,567 315,485 616,052
2019 366,270 144,453 100,311 298,640 312,394 611,034
2018 350,001 138,985 93,041 285,889 296,138 582,027
2017 332,071 133,258 86,110 271,967 279,472 551,439
2016 316,610 129,094 83,399 261,180 267,923 529,103
2015 303,700 126,827 84,359 254,025 260,860 514,886
2015-2020: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.
2021-2023: Departament de Drets Socials.
Note: In 2015, the series was broken for two reasons: recipients of contributory invalidity pensions were included and the de registration of pensions was edited.

Last update: June 19, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Recognised disability
Certificate granted to those people with a disability that is equal to or higher than 33% of the threshold established by law. It indicates the diagnosis and degree of handicap expressed in percentage terms and issued by the evaluation and orientation teams (EVO) at care centres for disabled people (CAD) run by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Methodological aspects

The Catalan social services system is the coordinated set of personal services, facilities, activities, economic benefits and of prevention, care and social promotion in Catalonia, which aims to ensure the participation of all citizens in the benefits of social life. Is specifically designed for individuals, families or groups who, by having difficulties in the development and integration into society, lack of personal autonomy, physical, mental or sensory disabilities, family problems or suffer social marginalization, are creditors of collective and caring effort.

The system is divided functionally into primary care social services and social services of specialized care, and is organized territorially in key areas of social services, sectors of county, regional and territorial areas of Catalonia, and in the following areas of action: care for family, childhood and adolescence; care for people with disabilities, old age care and treatment of drug addicts.

The statistics on the disabled population of Catalonia is the result of the operation of a database that feeds information recorded in the assessment and guidance services dependent of the Catalan Institute of Assistance and Social Services (ICASS).

The valuation of disability meets the regulation set by the Royal Decree 1971/1999 of December 23, on the procedure for recognition, declaration and classification of the degree of disability (BOE number 22 of January 26, 2000 ).

The aim of this provision is regulate the recognition of the degree of disability, establish new applicable scales, determine the competent bodies to make the aforementioned recognition and procedure to be followed, all with the purpose of the valuation and classification of the degree of disability affecting the person is uniform throughout the State, and ensure equal conditions for access of citizens to the benefits, economic rights and services given by public bodies.

The WHO international classification defines disability as any restriction or lack of ability of a human to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal. Therefore, the severity of limitations for activities is the fundamental criterion used to develop the scales.

The official typological classification of disabilities is as follows: physical, sensory and mental. The typology exploited statistically encompasses the following groups: motor and non-motor physical, visual, auditory, mental and mentally ill. The tables include the 'no record', which are collected those encodings that cannot be included in any of these main groups.

Regarding the degree of disability ,is divided into three main groups. The first groups degrees of disability between 33% and 64%, which includes people with disabilities with a level of personal autonomy sufficiently important to social and labor insertion at least in a protected work system. The second group comprises degrees of disability between 65% and 74%. This block includes people who, generally speaking, have more difficulties to achieve full employment and social integration. The third group, with degrees of disability equal to or greater than 75%, recorded in most affected people who are likely to require highly specialized tools for social integration.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.