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Cultural assets of national interest. By type

Cultural assets of national interest. By types. Counties and Aran Catalonia
Monuments Historic sites Archaeological zones Paleontological zones Others Total
2020 2,055 60 204 9 14 2,298
2018 2,055 60 204 14 13 2,298
2017 2,085 101 208 9 15 2,418
2015 2,024 56 198 8 12 2,298
Source: Ministry of Culture.
There are four historic buildings spanning two counties Bridge Devil Milany Castle, Red Tower, Castle Olivella.
There is one archaeological site that covers two counties: Via Capsacosta.

Last update: June 10, 2021.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Others (Cultural assets)
In this section, we include historical gardens and historical sites, paleontological areas or areas of ethnological interest.
Cultural assets of national interest (BCIN)
Assets that enjoy the currently valid legal protection. They are classified as: historic sites, historic gardens, historic monuments, archaeological zones and paleontological zones.
Historic sites
Group of assets, either continuous or disperse, that constitute a coherent and delimited unit and an entity in its own right, even though each of these individually may not offer the relevant values.
Historical garden
Delimited space that is the result of the ordering of natural elements by man and that may include fabricated structures.
Historic place
Natural site where there is a group of assets that form part of a coherent unit for historic or cultural reasons and that are associated to events or records of the past, and which contain man-made works of historic or technical value.
Historical monument
Construction or other type of material work produced by human activity and that configures a unique and outstanding unit.
Archaeological zone
Place where there are remains of human intervention that is only susceptible to being studied in depth using archaeological methodology, whether found on the surface or underground or underwater.
Paleontologic zone
Place where there are fossilised remains that constitute a coherent unit and that are an entity in their own right, even if each individual part of this zone is not of relevant value.

Methodological aspects


Law 9/1993, of September 30, on Catalan Cultural Heritage, created the figures of the Register of Cultural Assets of National Interest (BCIN) and the Catalogue of Assets of Catalan Cultural Heritage (Minister of Culture), in order to provide special recognition and protection to assets that, as well as having the inherent characteristics of the assets pertaining to cultural heritage (and therefore forming part of the Inventory of Catalan Cultural Heritage) meet certain conditions or values that increase their cultural significance and importance. These assets are considered protected and outstanding and must be included in the BCIN Register or in the Catalogue of Catalan Cultural Heritage.

The BCIN Register must include the most relevant assets of Catalan cultural heritage. Documentary heritage forms part of its section on chattel, which can be registered by being declared individual assets (documentary units) or collections (archives, collections in the strictest sense or other groups of documents). Declaration as cultural assets of national interest requires a report to be produced beforehand that must contain "a clear and accurate description of the asset or assets", historical reports, graphic documentation and a detailed report about how well conserved it is.

As of 2021, the territorial disaggregation of the data is Catalonia.