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Municipal waste. Selective collection. Counties and Aran, and areas

Municipal waste. Selective collection. Counties and areas Catalonia
Glass Paper Tins and packaging Organic material Pruning & gardening Voluminous waste Others (1) Total
2010 187,038 454,888 136,547 409,973 106,988 199,487 205,857 1,700,777
2009 150,348 275,765 108,702 340,674 99,067 209,054 179,642 1,363,252
2008 204,386 410,714 115,895 315,804 86,684 132,082 205,570 1,471,135
2007 201,764 408,744 103,923 302,157 65,052 177,327 192,129 1,451,096
2006 183,006 419,379 94,672 256,119 66,729 161,377 179,278 1,360,558
2005 161,391 401,827 72,006 215,373 60,151 142,562 161,208 1,214,518
2004 102,636 177,470 51,811 177,866 49,010 130,393 152,260 841,446
2003 178,313 271,153 58,066 150,336 44,189 109,395 127,737 939,188
Units: Tons.
2003-2008: Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. Agència de Residus de Catalunya.
2009-2010: Agència de Residus de Catalunya.
(1) Includes selective collection of other municipal waste: batteries, medicines, textiles and other household waste.
(2) The Metropolitan Agency for Hydraulic Services and Waste Treatment (EMSHTR) manages waste for Barcelonès and some of the counties of Baix Llobregat, Maresme and Vallès Occidental.
(3) Disaggregation of collection by counties not available.

Last update: October 5, 2012.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Selective collection
Differentiated collection of fermentable organic materials and recyclable materials, and any other system of differentiated collection that enables the separation of useful materials contained in waste.
Municipal waste
Domestic waste and waste from shops, services, offices and other waste that, due to its nature or composition, may be similar to domestic waste.

Methodological aspects

The European Union indicates that one of the areas of political action is waste management, in accordance with the basic principles of generating the minimum amount and managing it efficiently.

The availability of regular, representative and reliable data on the generation, collection and treatment of waste provides information describing the situation and state of waste, as well as making comparison between different territories possible.

The Catalan Waste Agency publishes annual data on the generation of municipal waste, on the basis of data provided by different local entities responsible for the collection and treatment of municipal waste.

From 2003, including for the calculation of generation per capita, the registered population has been used. In 2002, the Population and Housing Census 2001 was used, and in 2001 and 2000 the Population Statistics 1996 were used. Note that the seasonal tourist population supported by some municipalities has a higher generation of waste per capita.

In terms of selective collection, the difference between the total from adding the geographic partials (counties and areas of the territorial plan) and the total published for Catalonia is due to the existence of commercial waste that cannot be attributed to specific territories. The "Others" category includes waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), batteries, medications, textiles, rubble and other special waste. Home composting, which was considered for the first time in 2012, has been included in the "Organic Material" category.

Provisional data.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".