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Plan for spaces of natural interest (PEIN). Counties and Aran, and areas

Plan for spaces of natural interest (PEIN). Counties and areas Catalonia
Surface area (1) PEIN Total surface area % of area PEIN land
2010 1,063,460 3,210,654 30.7
2009 1,054,927 3,210,654 30.4
2008 1,038,461 3,210,654 29.9
2007 1,037,920 3,210,654 29.9
2006 1,037,920 3,210,654 30.0
2005 671,657 3,210,654 21.0
2004 680,371 3,210,654 21.0
2003 674,127 3,189,539 21.0
Units: Hectares.
2003-2009: Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. Direcció General del Medi Natural.
2010: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Natural Environment.
(1) The surface area of the spaces was calculated on the basis of the boundaries of the PEIN (scale 1:50.000 digital maps). Following Law 12/2006 the ZEPA approved spaces (zones of special protection for birds) became PEIN spaces.
(1) La superfície dels espais s'ha calculat a partir dels límits del PEIN (bases cartogràfiques digitals escala 1:50.000).

Last update: July 17, 2015.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Natural place of national interest
Natural space or element of medium or small size with unique characteristics of scientific, scenic or educational interest, as declared by a law to guarantee its protection. In these places activities are limited to traditional agricultural, livestock and forestry activities that are compatible with the specific objectives of protecting the space and other activities that are appropriate for such management.
Natural park
Spaces with qualified natural values. The reason for protecting them is for their conservation to be compatible with the organised exploitation of resources and its inhabitants' activities. The declaration is made by decree.

Methodological aspects

All specially protected natural spaces are included in the Plan for spaces of natural interest. Date on 31, December.

The Plan for spaces of natural interest (PEIN - Pla d'Espais d'Interès Natural) delimits and stablishes the required guidelines for the basic protection of the natural spaces which conservation must be guaranteed according to their scientific, ecological, scenic, cultural, social, educational and recreational values.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".