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University education. Resident student and located places of study. Counties and Aran

Resident student population and located places of study. University education. Counties, areas and provinces Catalonia
Resident students that study inside area Non-resident students that study inside area Students of unknown residency that study inside area Resident students that study out-of-area Located places of study (1) Resident student population (2) Difference (1)- (2)
2013 41,675 136,893 11,195 115,763 189,763 157,438 32,325
2012 42,112 135,111 14,279 113,516 191,502 155,628 35,874
2011 43,628 135,056 14,392 114,107 193,076 157,735 35,341
Units: Students.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Commuting for University Studies.
(1) Located places of study = Resident students that study inside area + Non-resident students that study inside area + No reported residence and students that study inside area.
(2) Resident student population = Resident students that study inside area + Resident students that study out-of-area.
For the academic years from 2011-2012 to 2014-2015, the category " Non-residents that study in the geographic area" include some students whose residence is unknown.
(1) Located places of study = Resident students that study inside area + Non-resident students that study inside area + Origin unknown.
Commuting university education. By place of residence and place of study. Counties, areas and provinces Catalonia
Place of study
The same municipality To rest of countie/ province To rest of area Territorial Plan To rest of Catalonia Total
2013 41,675 25,512 55,804 34,447 157,438
2012 42,112 25,230 54,056 34,230 155,628
2011 43,628 25,526 54,019 34,562 157,735
Units: Students.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Commuting for University Studies.
Commuting university education. By place of residence and place of study. Counties, areas and provinces Catalonia
Place of residence
The same municipality To rest of countie/ province To rest of area Territorial Plan To rest of Catalonia Outside Catalonia Not stated Total
2013 41,675 25,512 55,804 34,447 21,130 11,195 189,763
2012 42,112 25,230 54,056 34,230 21,595 14,279 191,502
2011 43,628 25,526 54,019 34,562 20,949 14,392 193,076
Units: Students.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Commuting for University Studies.
Note: For the academic years from 2011-2012 to 2014-2015, the category "They live out of Catalonia" include some students whose residence is unknown.

Last update: November 26, 2015.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Difference between the number of located places of study and the population resident in any given geographical area.
Local study places
Places in the selected geographical area where the students study, whether or not they are resident in that geographical area.
Non-residents that study inside area
Persons that study in the selected geographical area but reside outside of this area.
Resident Student Population
Population resident in the selected geographical area that study, regardless of whether they study in that geographical area or somewhere else.
Residents that study inside area
Persons that study in the same geographical area in which they reside.
Residents that study out-of-area
Persons resident in the selected geographical area that study in a different geographical area.

Methodological aspects

The Statistics on the obligatory mobility for study reasons of university students are obtained on the basis of a statistical treatment of the enrolment records of university students from the UNEIX system (Secretariat for Universities and Research).

These Statistics enrolment records and provides information on the enrolments of students aged 18 years or more at any of the twelve universities in Catalonia (apart from the UOC, because this is not a university that students attend in person). It also includes information on public and private, integrated and scribed, university centres and on education levels with homologated bachelor degree certificates. It therefore excludes associated centres, masters and PhD education levels and non-homologated certificates.

As for mobility programmes abroad and with the rest of Spain, students are not included if they are enrolled at non Catalan universities universities but are taking courses at a Catalan university, and neither are students included if they are enrolled at a Catalan university but are taking courses at a university elsewhere.

The reference population is students enrolled at university education centres located in Catalonia.

The unit of analysis is people that travel for study reasons, based on a comparison between the municipality of residence and the municipality of study.

These Statistics are produced annually and the reference year is that of the start of the academic year. So, in 2011 information is analysed on the enrolments recorded in September for the 2011-2012 academic year. The series starts with data for 2011.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".