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Gross disposable household income. By main components. Counties and Aran, and areas

Gross disposable household income (GDHI). By main components. Counties and areas Catalunya
Resources Uses
Payment wage earners Gross operating surplus Social benefits Social payments Taxes
2009 98,913,589 36,441,360 29,906,620 28,912,642 15,399,239
2008 101,940,237 39,266,931 26,343,099 30,168,926 17,327,846
Units: Thousands of euros.
Source: Idescat.
Note: Base 2008.

Last update: November 14, 2013.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Gross operating surplus and families' mixed incom
Surplus from entrepreneurial and professional activities by individual companies and personal partnerships without a legal personality, different to those treated as quasi corporations, which are market producers.
Tax on income and assets
Payment by families mainly in the form of a tax on the income of physical persons, tax on assets and a tax on property.
Social benefits
Current transfers awarded by third parties to households in money or kind, in order to prevent, repair or overcome certain states of need, without any equivalent counter-payment being made by the beneficiary.
Payment wage earners
Consists of all payment in cash or kind by employees to their wage earners in compensation for work done by the latter during the accounting period.
Gross disposable household income (GDHI)
Macromagnitude that measures the disposable income of residents of a territory for use in consumption or savings.

Methodological aspects

Gross Disposable Household Income (GDHI) is the macromagnitude thatmeasures the disposable income of the residents of a territory foruse in consumption or savings. This income does not only depend onthe income of families that is directly associated to payment for theircontribution to productive activity (payment of wage earners and gross operating surplus), but is also influenced by Public Administration activity through taxes and social benefits. It is calculated as a balance of families' income accounts, i.e. the difference between resources and uses as a whole. It is understood to be gross income, as no consumption of fixed capital is deducted.

The households sector includes all individuals or groups of individuals, both in their condition as consumers and, when relevant, as entrepreneurs that produce financial or non financial market goods or services (market producers), provided that, in the latter case, the corresponding activities are not undertaken by differentiated entities that are treated as quasi corporations. They also include individuals or groups of individuals that produce non financial services and goods exclusively for their own use.

The main resources of household income accounts are:

  • Compensation of employees
  • Gross operating surplus
  • Social benefits

The main uses are:

  • Social contributions
  • Income and wealth tax

Idescat presents the records of Gross Disposable Household Income (RFDB) 2010-2017 applying the criteria of the 2019 Statistical Benchmark Revision. This Revision is an update of the economic accounts carried out to incorporate new sources of information and improve the estimation procedures of the set of variables. The 2019 Benchmark Revision is instigated by Eurostat to homogenise the changes in the national accounts of all the member States of the European Union.

The magnitudes of gross disposable household income and its components for Catalonia are coherent with the estimates of the Household Income Distribution Accounts produced as part of the Spanish Regional Accounts. 2019 Benchmark Revision.

The 2019 Benchmark Revision's geographical scope encompasses the counties and municipalities in Catalonia with more than 1,000 inhabitants.

To produce the gross disposable household income per inhabitant, the population estimates on July 1 produced by Idescat are taken as a reference.