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Infant education. School units and pupils. By ownership of centre and sex. Counties and Aran

Infant education (1). School units and pupils (2). By ownership of centre and sex. Total. Counties, areas and provinces Catalonia
Units Boys Girls Total
SY 2009/10 16,966 167,257 157,586 324,843
SY 2008/09 16,520 163,763 154,395 318,158
SY 2007/08 15,823 157,128 147,681 304,809
SY 2006/07 14,880 148,177 139,927 288,104
SY 2005/06 14,324 142,364 134,379 276,743
SY 2004/05 13,646 136,073 128,282 264,355
SY 2003/04 12,978 129,677 121,742 251,419
SY 2002/03 12,394 122,686 114,802 237,488
SY 2001/02 11,886 116,561 108,331 224,892
SY 2000/01 11,619 112,242 104,151 216,393
SY 2000/01-SY 2001/02: Departament d'Ensenyament. Servei d'Estadística i Documentació.
SY 2002/03-SY 2003/04: Departament d'Educació. Servei d'Estadística i Documentació.
SY 2004/05-SY 2008/09: Departament d'Educació. Servei d'Estadística, Informació i Documentació.
SY 2009/10: Ministry of Education.
(1) Only includes data for centres authorised by the Department of Education.
(2) From 0 to 5 years (1st and 2nd cycle).
Infant education (1). School units and pupils (2). By ownership of centre and sex. Public sector. Counties, areas and provinces Catalonia
Units Boys Girls Total
SY 2009/10 11,030 108,536 102,046 210,582
SY 2008/09 10,535 104,348 97,625 201,973
SY 2007/08 9,878 98,048 91,326 189,374
SY 2006/07 9,018 90,348 84,082 174,430
SY 2005/06 8,474 84,987 79,297 164,284
SY 2004/05 7,870 79,686 74,577 154,263
SY 2003/04 7,279 74,296 69,243 143,539
SY 2002/03 6,839 68,837 64,026 132,863
SY 2001/02 6,390 64,095 59,008 123,103
SY 2000/01 6,214 61,477 56,688 118,165
SY 2000/01-SY 2001/02: Departament d'Ensenyament. Servei d'Estadística i Documentació.
SY 2002/03-SY 2003/04: Departament d'Educació. Servei d'Estadística i Documentació.
SY 2004/05-SY 2008/09: Departament d'Educació. Servei d'Estadística, Informació i Documentació.
SY 2009/10: Ministry of Education.
(1) Only includes data for centres authorised by the Department of Education.
(2) From 0 to 5 years (1st and 2nd cycle).
Infant education (1). School units and pupils (2). By ownership of centre and sex. Private sector. Counties, areas and provinces Catalonia
Units Boys Girls Total
SY 2009/10 5,936 58,721 55,540 114,261
SY 2008/09 5,985 59,415 56,770 116,185
SY 2007/08 5,945 59,080 56,355 115,435
SY 2006/07 5,862 57,829 55,845 113,674
SY 2005/06 5,850 57,377 55,082 112,459
SY 2004/05 5,776 56,387 53,705 110,092
SY 2003/04 5,699 55,381 52,499 107,880
SY 2002/03 5,555 53,849 50,776 104,625
SY 2001/02 5,496 52,466 49,323 101,789
SY 2000/01 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
SY 2001/02: Departament d'Ensenyament. Servei d'Estadística i Documentació.
SY 2002/03-SY 2003/04: Departament d'Educació. Servei d'Estadística i Documentació.
SY 2004/05-SY 2008/09: Departament d'Educació. Servei d'Estadística, Informació i Documentació.
SY 2009/10: Ministry of Education.
(1) Only includes data for centres authorised by the Department of Education.
(2) From 0 to 5 years (1st and 2nd cycle).

Last update: May 11, 2011.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Infant education
Etapa educativa preobligatòria que s'imparteix als infants de 0 a 6 anys. S'organitza en dos cicles de tres cursos: primer cicle o primera infància (de 0 a 3 anys) i segon cicle o primer ensenyament (de 3 a 6 anys). Poden impartir el primer cicle d'educació infantil els centres creats o autoritzats per l'Administració educativa. Els centres que únicament imparteixen el primer cicle d'educació infantil tenen la denominació genèrica de llar d'infants o escola bressol.

Methodological aspects

The data on infant, primary and secondary education is taken from an exploitation of the data provided by the Generalitat de Catalunya's Ministry of Education or teaching centres at all education levels. The public sector includes data for the centres that depend on the Ministry of Education and other public administrations, while the private sector deals with privately owned centres.

In 1990 the Law for general ordering of the education system (LOGSE) was passed, which modifies the previous education system (LGE) of 1970. In the 1991/92 academic year the teaching approved by the new law was gradually introduced and the 2000/01 academic year was the first in which none of the teaching relating to the previous education system was still in existence.

However, the two education models coexisted over the long period of experimentation and implantation of the new education law.

The data on centres and teaching staff is given, on the one hand, for infant and primary education as a whole, and on the other, for secondary education, although it is often the case that centres and teachers overlap in terms of the different levels given.

Data are provisional.