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Rehabilitated and subsidised homes. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Rehabilitated and subsidised housing. Counties, areas and provinces Catalonia
Rehabilitated housing
Actions started Actions completed Subsidised housing Potential subsidies (1) (thousands of euros)
2010 27,721 19,634 27,721 46,801.24
2009 32,013 15,417 32,013 68,678.86
2008 26,753 22,452 26,753 59,806.15
2007 28,754 25,265 28,742 54,760.09
2006 24,600 12,031 24,542 27,023.09
2005 11,275 7,679 11,172 27,023.09
2005-2007: Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. Direcció General d'Habitatge.
2008-2009: Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. Secretaria d'Habitatge.
2010: Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat. Secretaria d'Habitatge i Millora Urbana.
(1) Main subsidies corresponding to subsidised housing with a favourable judicial enquiry from the old housing plans, amount of aid favourably resolved by the 2010 Programme (included the Consorci de l'Habitatge de Barcelona) and actions initiated as part of the Integral Rehabilitation Plan (ARI) and the Integral Rehabilitation Special Plan (AERI).
(1) Main subsidies corresponding to subsidised housing with a favourable judicial enquiry from the old housing plans, amount of aid favourably resolved by the 2009 Programme (ordinary and extraordinary periods) and actions initiated as part of the Integral Rehabilitation Plan (ARI).
(1) Potential subsidies corresponding to subsidised housing with favourable judicial report and amount of subsidy resolved as part of 2007 Programme.
(1) Subvencions potencials que correspondrien als habitatges amb subvenció amb informe jurídic favorable i import dels ajuts resolts en el Programa 2007.
(1) Subvencions potencials que correspondrien als habitatges amb subvenció amb informe jurídic favorable i import dels ajuts resolts en el Programa 2006.
(1) Correspondrien als habitatges amb subvenció amb informe jurídic favorable i import dels ajuts resolts en el programa 2005.

Last update: April 6, 2011.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Total or partial restitution of a building or home to its original state. Implies improvements against physical deterioration that a property may have suffered for a variety of reasons.

Methodological aspects

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".