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Housing starts. By projected surface area. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Housing starts. By projected surface area. Counties, areas and provinces Catalonia
Surface area (m² constructed)
Up to 50 51 - 75 76 - 100 101 - 125 126 - 150 Over 150 Total
2010 33 1,027 2,677 2,109 2,437 5,240 13,523
2009 236 1,750 2,688 2,813 1,927 2,944 12,358
2008 504 3,975 9,956 7,136 2,233 3,765 27,569
2007 946 12,992 32,195 20,889 8,173 10,320 85,515
2006 1,434 21,355 45,992 29,758 12,629 15,949 127,117
2005 1,033 18,353 36,856 27,676 11,117 15,478 110,513
2004 645 8,616 26,366 24,304 14,491 22,058 96,480
2003 772 9,467 22,521 21,978 12,682 21,229 88,649
2002 717 7,210 19,534 20,167 11,859 15,011 74,498
2001 665 5,720 15,899 21,538 10,545 13,427 67,794
2001-2002: Departament de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques. Direcció General d'Arquitectura i Habitatge.
2003-2007: Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. Direcció General d'Habitatge.
2008-2009: Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. Secretaria d'Habitatge.
2010: Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat. Secretaria d'Habitatge i Millora Urbana.
Based on construction certificates issued by Catalonia's colleges of surveyors.
Superfície projectada: Superfície total construïda de l'immoble/nombre d'habitatges.

Last update: April 6, 2011.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Housing starts
Residential construction project supervised by the college of surveyors.
Constructed surface
Surface contained within the exterior perimeter of the walls of a home. In buildings with more than one home the proportional part of the common spaces or services is imputed to each of the homes.
Projected surface
Surface obtained from the ratio between the total constructed surface area of a property and the number of rooms in the property.

Methodological aspects

The data on housing started, is obtained from new works certificates issued by colleges of surveyors of Catalonia, and the intentions of promoters and constructors are outlined. Data is included on the construction of housing that enjoys official protection listed by protection scheme. The completed housing is taken from end of construction certificates issued by colleges of surveyors.