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Registered unemployment. By branch of activity. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Registered unemployment. By branch of activity (CCAE-93). Annual averages. Counties, areas and provinces Catalonia
Agriculture and fishing Mining, energy and water Manufacturing industries Construction Commerce and repairs Hostelry Transport and communication Financial medication Property activities and business services Public Administration Education Health activities and social services Personal services and others No previous occupation Total
2008 5,098 961 68,989 43,885 42,108 24,901 8,423 2,323 87,846 4,856 4,396 6,865 17,509 15,492 333,653
2007 3,298 729 58,258 23,339 34,423 19,923 6,310 1,907 67,406 4,298 4,083 6,409 14,579 11,443 256,404
2006 3,368 762 60,740 22,574 35,730 20,148 6,541 1,913 64,421 4,471 4,410 6,718 15,031 14,016 260,841
2005 3,403 725 59,798 24,931 37,914 20,853 7,535 1,938 61,524 4,923 5,021 7,282 15,226 14,390 265,463
2004 1,521 730 48,726 18,466 29,952 14,562 6,033 1,590 42,933 4,190 3,749 5,460 11,110 15,522 204,542
2003 1,374 979 49,583 17,317 29,116 14,064 5,531 1,565 40,412 4,250 3,808 5,319 10,782 15,745 199,843
2002 1,244 948 49,862 16,429 28,000 13,928 5,425 1,591 37,345 4,734 3,670 5,097 10,761 14,871 193,905
2001 1,135 791 46,743 13,807 24,667 12,810 4,983 1,516 31,351 4,291 3,400 4,784 9,047 12,690 172,016
Units: Persons.
2001: Departament de Treball. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.
2002: Departament de Treball, Indústria, Comerç i Turisme. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.
2003-2005: Departament de Treball i Indústria. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.
2006-2008: Departament de Treball. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.

Last update: June 18, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Registered unemployment
People aged 16 years or more without work that, or that on the final day of the month have a job offer registered in the offices of the Generalitat or INEM but have yet to effectively start working. This does not include the following groups: workers unavailable for immediate employment or in incompatible situations with work, workers demanding work of a specific nature (such as work abroad) and temporary agricultural workers that benefit from a special unemployment subsidy. Also excluded are those people that unjustifiably refuse to take part in vocational training courses.

Methodological aspects

The unemployment data comes from two types of source: the statistics produced by bodies that are specialised in the production of statistical information and those resulting from the management of certain institutions with responsibilities for labour matters.

It should be noted that, due to this diversity of sources, three types of unemployment statistics are presented Statistical Yearbook:

  • unemployed population (estimated unemployment), obtained from the EPA.
  • registered unemployment on the basis of data from the employment offices of the Generalitat and Inem.
  • unemployed population taken from the Population census.

The second type of statistics is obtained from the administrative records of the competent bodies, which normally produce and publish the data. Of importance is the data on registered unemployment by counties provided by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.

Regarding the registered unemployment data, it should be noted that from May 2005, a new model was adopted for the management of data, called SISPE (Public Employment Services Information System), which implies changes in the collection and treatment of data, and which led to a break in the series for registered unemployment. This edition of the Annual presents provisional data revised from February 2001 to December 2004.

The new county of El Moianès was created on 1 May 2015 (Law 4/2015, of 23 April, on the creation of the county of El Moianès) from the aggregation of five municipalities of the county of El Bages, one from the county of Osona and four from the county of El Vallès Oriental.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".