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Population on 1 January. By large age groups. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Population on 1 January. By large age groups. Counties, areas and provinces Catalonia
0-14 15-64 65 and over
2010 15.4 68.1 16.5
2009 15.1 68.6 16.3
2008 14.8 68.9 16.3
2007 14.6 68.9 16.4
2006 14.4 69.0 16.6
2005 14.2 69.2 16.6
2004 14.1 68.9 17.0
2003 14.0 68.8 17.3
Units: Per cent.
Source: Idescat. Population Estimates.

Last update: March 28, 2017.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Intercensal population estimates
Calculation of the population by sex and age that connects two censuses. Intercensal estimates replace postcensal once you have the results of a new census of population, and provide final series of population between two censuses.
Postcensal population estimates
Calculation of the population by sex and age in the years after the last census. The postcensal estimates provide the series of population from the last census available, that are calculated adding the natural movement and migration that are recorded annually.

Methodological aspects

The basic information on the population on 1 January and the population structure indicatorsare obtained from the Population Estimates.

The Population Estimates are statistical operations produced annually that provide a headcount of the resident population within Catalonia and its distribution by sex and age. The time reference for the postcensal population estimates is 1st January.

The postcensal population estimates are calculated based on the last available census and the demographic shifts from the corresponding year (birth, death and migration). The information they provide enable us to find out the levels of demographic growth and the shift in the population pyramid on a yearly basis. It also enables us to reliably calculate the demographic, social and economic indicators in which the population groups are the reference denominator, especially when these denominators must be disaggregated according to the features of sex and age.

The early postcensal estimates aim to provide a statistical estimation of the population classified by sex and age as early as possible with respect to the reference date. They are calculated in the second quarter of the year based on the provisional data for demographic flows. The results are kept updated until replaced by the Definitive Post-Census Estimates, calculated once figures for births, deaths and migrations are available for the year of reference.

By taking a new population census tally, the annual figures of the population estimates can be revised in the interim between two censuses, and from this the intercensal population estimates are generated. The production of intercensal estimates, then, consists of retroactively correcting the postcensal population estimates with the aid of the data from the new census. The level of disaggregation of the data is the same as for the postcensal estimates.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".