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Projected population on 1 January. By size of municipality and large age groups. Medium scenario

Projected population on 1 January (base 2021 Population Register). Medium scenario Catalonia Total
From 0 to 15 years From 16 to 64 years 65 years and over
Number of persons % Number of persons % Number of persons % Total
2041 1,144,299 13.6 5,045,741 59.8 2,245,252 26.6 8,435,292
2040 1,136,037 13.5 5,073,734 60.3 2,198,364 26.1 8,408,136
2035 1,092,739 13.2 5,190,567 62.8 1,975,701 23.9 8,259,007
2030 1,096,530 13.5 5,229,653 64.6 1,772,863 21.9 8,099,046
2025 1,155,231 14.6 5,167,007 65.3 1,592,945 20.1 7,915,183
2021 1,227,007 15.8 5,061,512 65.2 1,478,671 19.0 7,767,190
Source: Idescat. Municipal Population Projections (base 2021 Population Register).
Results have been conveniently rounded and displayed without decimals. Hence, some totals may not coincide with the sum of their disaggregation by age or territory.
The population of Catalonia in the Municipal Population Projections differs from that published in the County Population Projections because the starting population is different (the former uses the Population Register and the latter Population Estimates).
The municipalities are classified by sections of population according to its size in 2021.

Last update: November 17, 2022.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The goal of population projections is to describe possible future population evolution, both in total size and according to different variables: sex and age; place of residence; composition of the household; relationship with the activity.

Municipal population projections are drawn up using the componential method with a multi-regional focus. This method consists in adding the demographic growth components to the baseline pyramid each year: the natural growth flows (births and deaths) and the migration flows (immigration and emigration). At the same time, this ensures the consistency both between the results for counties and municipalities and among the municipalities of the same county.

The reference date for projected populations is 1 January each year.

The municipal population projections (base 2018) consist of two scenarios; the average scenario and the standard scenario. The two scenarios incorporate the same assumptions about the future evolution of fertility, mortality and migrations (immigration and emigration), but differ in the baseline population.

In the municipal population register scenario, the baseline pyramid is the population as per the Municipal Population Register as of 1 January 2018, with a correction in some municipalities of 0 years based on the births figure.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".