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Juvenile justice. Interventions undertaken. By type of care. Provinces

Juvenile justice. Interventions undertaken. By types of care. Provinces Catalonia
Jurisdiction of minors (14-18 years) Specialist counselling Mediation and redress Open environment measures Measures in centres Administrative interventions with minors Voluntary care in open environment Voluntary internments in centres Internments of minors of the DGAM Total interventions undertaken
2022 10,836 4,863 1,974 3,326 673 47 47 0 0 10,883
2021 10,199 4,592 1,806 3,146 655 40 40 0 0 10,239
2020 9,874 4,350 1,620 3,103 801 35 35 0 0 9,909
2019 11,961 5,621 1,794 3,574 972 28 28 0 0 11,989
2018 11,059 4,842 1,759 3,687 771 46 46 0 0 11,105
2017 10,744 4,756 1,642 3,613 733 24 24 0 0 10,768
2016 10,613 5,011 1,652 3,257 693 32 32 0 0 10,645
2015 10,560 4,631 1,657 3,493 779 34 34 0 0 10,594
2014 10,533 4,467 1,631 3,612 823 30 30 0 0 10,563
2013 11,590 5,045 1,887 3,912 746 13 13 0 0 11,603
2012 11,820 5,210 2,135 3,601 874 21 21 0 0 11,841
2011 12,587 5,406 2,359 3,872 950 11 11 0 0 12,598
2010 13,220 5,892 2,373 4,008 947 10 10 0 0 13,230
2009 13,076 5,627 2,560 3,917 972 12 12 0 0 13,088
2008 14,014 6,424 956 3,986 2,648 18 18 0 0 14,032
2007 14,310 6,342 2,795 4,201 972 7 7 0 0 14,317
2006 14,052 6,161 2,487 4,398 1,006 7 6 1 0 14,059
2005 13,369 5,834 2,286 4,213 1,036 10 7 3 0 13,379
2004 12,507 5,812 1,824 3,931 940 9 1 8 0 12,516
2003 12,494 6,374 1,937 3,188 995 9 5 3 1 12,503
2002 12,482 7,377 2,044 2,159 902 12 11 0 1 12,494
2001 9,946 6,020 1,570 1,648 708 28 20 6 2 9,974
2001: Departament de Justícia. Direcció General de Mesures Penals Alternatives i de Justícia Juvenil.
2002: Departament de Justícia i Interior. Direcció General de Justícia Juvenil.
2003-2009: Departament de Justícia. Direcció General de Justícia Juvenil.
2010-2021: Ministry of Justice.
2022: Ministry of Justice.
The interventions are the total number of cases that have been in effective execution over the year. The number of interventions is higher than the number of people cared for because some are on more than one programme during a single year.
Les intervencions són el nombre total de casos que han estat en execució efectiva durant l'any. El nombre d'intervencions és major al nombre de persones ateses perquè n'hi ha algunes que passen per més d'un programa d'intervenció durant l'any.

Last update: May 25, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Voluntary care
Educational intervention initiated, by request of the minor, when the judicial measure terminates, in an open environment or in a centre, to complete the training programme provided.
Minor (as understood by the General Direction of Penal Execution in the Community and Youth Justice)
Minor that has committed actions qualified in the Penal code as offences or misdemeanours and has been placed at the disposition of the minors' court or other penal jurisdiction organs, which have imposed an educational measure that must be applied in an open environment or in internment centres.

Methodological aspects

In accordance with the provisions of Decree 194/2013, dated 9 July, on the restructuring of the Ministry of Justice, the General Administration of the Juvenile Justice Criminal Enforcement system is in charge of upholding the procedures foreseen by the legal system concerning the social actions of adolescents aged 14 to 18 years old.

The procedures applicable to young adults and adolescents who agree to said interventions can be classified into 4 spheres of action:

1. Specialist counselling: It provides the actors involved in legal proceedings with the information established by law concerning minors' psychological, educational and family situations, as well as their social environment and, in general, any other relevant circumstance. Taking these variables into consideration, assessment is provided to judicial authorities so that said elements may be taken into account in their rulings.

2. Mediation and redress: The goal driving this process is to help the offender and the victim reach an agreement and resolve the conflict caused by the criminal offence. The objective is the solve conflicts out-of-court between, with the guidance of a mediator who adheres to the criminal-law framework and establishes the offence, the victim and the offender.

3. Judicial measures in an open environment: They are the measures provided for in Organic Law 5/2000, dated 5 June, on minors' criminal responsibility from a standpoint of non-incarceration. They are carried out in the minors and young adults' social and family environment, which allows them to continue with they socialisation process and pursue/improve their bonds and existing relationships.

4. Internment: A measure involving deprivation of liberty, which forces minors or young adults to stay in an educational or therapeutic facility, or in their own home, for the extent of time established by a court ruling.

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