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Civil jurisdiction. Provincial courts. Provinces

Civil. Provincial courts. Cases and rulings. Provinces Catalonia
Cases to resolve Registered over the year Pending at end of year Rulings Sentences dictated
2023 25,120 28,316 11,273
2022 26,594 23,105 11,829
2021 22,862 16,923 12,422
2020 17,531 15,177 12,726
2019 21,221 19,397 12,827
2018 19,878 19,832 11,209
2017 18,914 18,242 10,772
2016 18,448 16,824 8,631
2015 18,572 15,725 7,948
2014 15,699 12,577 8,508
2013 14,030 12,021 9,092
2012 17,050 12,955 10,002
2011 16,369 11,457 9,726
2010 15,189 9,975 9,430
2009 14,836 9,071 9,848
2008 15,062 9,022 9,855
2007 15,347 8,560 9,611
2006 13,724 7,542 9,612
2005 15,167 7,862 10,559
2004 13,983 7,818 10,875
2003 13,750 8,394 11,862
2002 15,774 10,366 12,941
2001 13,044 11,314 14,607
2000 18,126 15,589 15,139
1999 17,808 15,612 15,567
1998 18,415 16,918 15,135
1997 18,986 16,746 12,326
1997-2022: Ministry of Justice, based on data from the General Council of the Judiciary.
2023: Ministry of Justice, Rights and Memory.

Last update: July 16, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Provincial Courts
They are judicial bodies with jurisdiction on civil and criminal matters in their province. In the civil matters they are spacialised in the knowledge on appeals of law against First instance decisions handed down by First Instance Courts in the province. In the criminal matters they have mainly the following comptetences: - They prosecute and sentence crimes, except those that law assignes to Criminal or other courts. - They are specialised in the knowledge of appeals against decisions handed down by Criminal and First Instance Courts in the province and of appeals that law determines against decisions handed down by Execution Courts in enforcement of criminal sanctions and their regime. They are integrated by different sections and they are placed in the provincial capital.
Civil procedure
Procedure that covers, on the one hand, contentious jurisdiction, that which makes decisions regarding affairs arising from a contraposition of the interest of both parties; and on the other, voluntary jurisdiction, that which a person demands declaration of a right without any form of opposition from another party.
Determination made by judges or courts that can be in the form of an act, provision or sentence.
Declaration of judgement and resolution by the judge.

Methodological aspects

The courts of general jurisdiction are organized into different areas of law because of the matter of the affairs they know. The areas of law are: criminal, civil, social and contentious-administrative proceedings.

Other organizational criterium is the territory, according to the territorial scope of their competences, which can be state, regional, supra provincial, provincial, infra provincial, judicial district or municipal.

Finally, the judicial bodies are classified in unipersonal (courts) and collegiate bodies (courts of law), according to the number of persons in charge.

The highest judicial body in all areas of law is the Supreme Court with jurisdiction in all Spanish territory. Another court with jurisdiction in all of Spain is the National High Court specialised in the knowledge of criminal, contentious and social matters over an autnomous community jurisdiction.

With jurisdiction in all the Spanish territory and out of the general jurisdiction, the Constitutional Court is specialised in the knowledge of all appeals on grounds of unconstitutionality of laws and norms, of appeals for legal protection due to violation of fundamental rights and of conflicts of jurisdiction between the State and the Autonomous Communities or among these ones.

Types of judicial bodies

The following judicial bodies have seat in Catalonia:

  • High Court of Justice of Catalonia
  • Provincial Courts
  • Senior Courts
  • First Instance and Preliminary Investigations Courts
  • Family Courts and Status and Legal Capacity of Natural Persons Courts
  • Mercantile Courts
  • Courts of the Civil Status Register exclusively
  • Courts on Violence against Women
  • Juvenile Courts
  • Execution Courts
  • Criminal Courts
  • Social Courts
  • Court for Contentious Administrative Proceedings
  • Magistrate's Courts