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Hospital health professionals. By categories and doctors by services. Provinces

Hospital health professionals (1). By categories and doctors by services. Provinces Catalonia
Health professionals by categories Doctors Pharmacists Other high qualified Nurses Health specialists Clinical auxiliaries Doctors by services Medicine Surgery Obstetrics and gynaecology Paediatrics Psychiatry Central services On call MIR (2)
2009 64,981 19,389 423 939 24,191 2,992 17,047 19,389 6,630 5,156 1,395 1,193 521 3,098 1,396 3,310
2008 64,179 19,395 412 966 23,413 2,898 17,095 19,395 6,488 4,993 1,461 1,142 493 3,164 1,654 3,127
2007 61,729 18,841 387 888 22,534 2,692 16,387 18,841 6,164 4,864 1,370 1,113 450 3,082 1,798 2,835
2006 58,690 17,952 371 738 21,355 2,630 15,644 17,952 5,570 4,723 1,351 1,030 431 3,151 1,696 2,708
2005 55,952 17,022 377 611 20,460 2,485 14,997 19,622 5,377 4,337 1,366 995 400 2,821 1,726 2,600
2004 53,972 17,154 336 551 19,306 2,341 14,284 17,154 5,205 4,562 1,400 958 364 2,837 1,828 2,459
2003 50,459 15,392 318 567 18,490 2,157 13,535 15,392 4,703 3,936 1,354 865 335 2,613 1,586 2,365
2002 48,299 14,097 291 468 18,115 2,016 13,312 14,097 4,052 3,824 1,360 793 292 2,315 1,461 2,397
2001 47,279 14,917 246 723 16,954 1,881 12,558 14,917 3,694 3,418 930 669 258 2,251 1,523 2,174
2000 46,021 14,172 256 668 16,636 1,732 12,557 14,172 3,400 3,378 934 608 259 2,127 1,438 2,028
2000-2001: Departament de Sanitat i Seguretat Social. Direcció General de Recursos Sanitaris.
2002-2009: Ministry of Health.
(1) Excluding psychiatric hospitals.
(2) Internal and resident doctor.

Last update: November 21, 2011.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Hospital centre
Centre that provides a permanent service, including admission, with medical and nursing care, and that provides beds for continuous attention. Hospital centres are classified according to the type of hospital care given: acute admission, socio-sanitary and psychiatric to which they dedicate 80% or more of their operative beds. If a centre provides more than one type of care, without any of them reaching 80%, then they are classed as mixed hospitals.

Methodological aspects

Statistics on Healthcare Establishments with Internment Schemes (EESRI) was introduced by the Spanish Government's Presidential Order on 18th May 1973 in order to collect information on the structure, facilities and activity of hospital centres. It is a part of both the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Spanish Government's official statistics; for this reason, all centres operating in Spain are obliged to comply. From 1980 onwards, it is the Catalan Ministry of Health's responsibility to collect, confirm and analyse the data from authorised centres in Catalonia.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".