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Publishing production. Titles published. By types of publication. Provinces

Publishing production. Books and pamphlets. Titles and copies published. Provinces Catalonia
Titles Books Booklets Copies (Thousands) Books Booklets
2011 20,324 17,992 2,332 36,899 32,085 4,814
2010 20,533 18,490 2,043 47,300 42,510 4,791
2009 20,871 18,049 2,822 76,621 67,979 8,642
2008 27,451 24,428 3,023 116,242 106,332 9,910
2007 18,570 16,184 2,386 81,016 71,720 9,296
2006 18,384 15,676 2,708 105,688 83,219 22,469
2005 17,899 15,150 2,749 100,244 79,234 21,010
2004 15,612 13,231 2,381 79,016 68,952 10,064
2003 22,169 18,854 3,315 97,843 87,499 10,344
2002 21,185 18,359 2,826 94,972 84,709 10,263
2001 18,983 16,662 2,321 95,438 87,891 7,547
2000 21,129 18,628 2,501 102,522 92,558 9,964
1999 19,803 17,612 2,191 106,066 92,029 14,037
1999-2003: INE. Estadística de la producción editorial de libros. Anual.
2004-2011: INE.
Note: Does not include publications for advertising purposes, of an ephemeral nature, musical work or cartography.

Last update: March 27, 2012.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The statistics on Book publishing production statistic produced by the Spanish Ministry of Culture together with INE covers the non-periodical print publications published in Spain and made available to the public, except for the following publications:

  • Published with advertising purposes, catalogues, brochures, etc.
  • Publications ephemerality: schedules, rates, show guides, statutes, etc.
  • Musical works (sheet music) and the cartographic production, except atlases.

The units of analysis are books and booklets.

With the entry into force of Law 23/2011 of 29 July on Legal Deposit, a change of adaptation for the publications is introduced, which is based on the new role that is attributed to the editor.

The presence of the editor as principal applicant subject (not the printer as before the Act).

This implies a change in the field of statistics going exclusively to publications published in Spain regardless of where they were printed (in previous research focused on the set of printed publications in Spain even coming from foreign publishers).

In 2012, due to adaptation to the methodological changes of the statistics, information about reprints, copies, and consequently, medium production volumes is not included.

The variable "Others" includes titles published in two or more languages/dialects from Spain, as well as in other foreign languages.