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Urban public transport. Metro and tram

Urban public transport. Metro and tram Catalonia Total
Number of lines Km of line Number of stations Passengers (thousands)
2022 19 179.7 252 435,030
2021 19 179.7 252 327,129
2020 19 177.5 248 256,369
2019 19 175.8 247 486,146
2018 17 175.8 245 478,518
2017 17 173.4 243 459,934
2016 17 173.5 243 449,538
2015 17 157.0 228 452,090
2014 17 157.0 228 440,938
2013 17 157.0 228 433,353
2012 17 157.0 228 436,457
2011 17 157.0 226 389,293
2010 18 425.0 300 485,331
2009 16 130.7 199 414,210
2008 15 116.8 188 429,829
2007 14 123.0 181 416,867
2006 14 118.3 183 399,760
2005 14 114.2 175 387,564
2005-2013: Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona and Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
2014: Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona; Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC).
2015-2022: Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona; Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC).
Metro: L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L9N, L10N, L11.
Generalitat railways: Primera corona del Sistema Tarifari Integrat (STI).
El Tramvia Blau no ha prestat servei des del mes de febrer de 2018 perquè es va iniciar un pla de modernització a fons de la infraestructura.
En data 22/5/2002 el Funicular de Montjuïc passa a formar part de la L-3 de la xarxa de metro.
L'any 2001 entra en vigor la integració tarifària que implica un canvi de criteri en la comptabilització dels viatgers.

Last update: July 14, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Means of transport in which vehicles travel on a fixed runway, which is their carriage and guidance.
Metropolitan railway
Railway, generally underground, for passenger transport inside a city or a metropolitana area.
Railway for public service of passenger transport which travels mainly on surface and on public road on fixed rails encased in a rail platform which can be segregated or not segregated.
Tramvia Blau
The Tramvia Blau, which dates from 1901, is the survivor of the old Barcelona. It runs 1,276 metres up to the foot of the Tibidabo funicular.
Tramvia urbà
Urban trams, according to this law, are those which travel entirely in a single municipal territory and are of municipal competence.
Regular public transport
Displacement that takes place in passenger vehicles or in mixed vehicles (passengers and godos) which have previously determined schedules and routes, and an individual fare.

Methodological aspects

Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) is the collective name of the companies Ferrocarril Metropolità de Barcelona, SA, and Transports de Barcelona, SA, which manage the metro and bus networks respectively on behalf of Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB).

It also includes Projectes de Servei i Mobilitat, SA, which manages the Telefèric de Montjuïc.

TMB provides transport in the city of Barcelona and in a further eleven municipalities in the metropolitan area.

Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC) is a public company operating in the fields of transport, tourism and mountain-related activities. Its purpose is to contribute towards the improvement of transport and leisure in Catalunya. FGC manages the resources assigned to it or generated by its activity on the basis of criteria of efficacy, respect for the law and optimization of its economic and social profitability.

The tram network of Trambaix and Trambesòs belongs to the Catalan Government. This network is planned, ordered and granted according to the Decree 200/1998, of 30th July

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".