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Mining sector. Main results. Provinces

Mining sector. Main results. Provinces Catalonia
People in employment Production staff Hours worked (thousands) Power installed (thousands kW) Consumption of electric energy (MWh) Production costs (€M) Personnel costs Fuels and energy Prime materials Other expenses Value of production (€M)
2021 2,198 1,160 1,667 392.2 67,969 83.38 25.73 19.75 13.60 24.29 121.67
2020 3,432 1,870 3,692 558.7 293,598 300.62 84.44 36.69 39.41 140.08 292.74
2019 3,648 2,008 4,062 616.8 398,440 357.72 84.32 51.76 53.60 168.04 406.33
2018 3,596 1,984 4,126 638.5 395,025 391.04 82.95 57.63 52.05 198.42 451.22
2017 3,691 2,060 4,250 641.1 409,786 354.61 83.69 47.31 45.63 177.97 404.42
2016 3,481 2,015 4,143 624.8 857,419 428.20 83.60 86.60 42.00 216.00 413.70
2015 3,369 1,970 4,157 606.7 350 312.52 84.75 47.54 43.56 136.67 500.42
2014 3,255 1,897 4,110 507.4 296 289.80 80.96 42.62 39.64 126.58 662.92
2013 3,047 1,797 3,654 522.6 209 289.80 80.96 42.62 39.64 126.58 662.92
2012 3,566 2,180 4,202 510.8 214 292.74 86.74 47.49 42.18 116.33 574.26
2011 3,624 2,343 4,550 455.2 199 284.89 87.04 46.26 41.28 110.30 526.30
2010 4,000 2,577 4,663 490.6 195 272.18 85.96 40.42 43.69 102.10 520.00
2009 4,311 2,985 5,349 468.0 298 278.97 93.36 39.48 44.88 101.25 593.31
2008 5,007 3,108 5,694 434.4 228 324.10 102.68 53.38 56.25 111.80 704.47
2007 3,717 3,086 5,326 458.0 243 322.87 104.90 51.07 57.47 109.44 570.34
2006 3,510 2,893 5,273 450.2 212 315.26 102.75 48.48 55.81 108.22 542.12
2005 3,326 2,760 4,933 450.7 219 299.86 92.79 41.52 49.91 115.65 505.01
2005-2009: Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio. Secretaría General de Energía.
2010-2012: Ministerio de Industria, Energia y Turismo. Secretaría General de Energía.
2013-2014: Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.
2015-2018: Ministry of Energy, Tourism and the Digital Agenda.
2019-2021: Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

Last update: November 3, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Industrial activity involving the selective extraction, by applying mining techniques and the use of explosives, of substances and minerals existing in the earth crust, so that it is economically profitable. Broadly, the term mining includes, besides the surface and underground operations, which occur in the treatment of minerals substances extracted, such as crushing, size separation, washing, concentration, etc., in order to put these substances for sale and conversion, and also the jobs requiring the application of mining techniques or the use of explosives.

Methodological aspects

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".