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Collective conciliations resolved. Workers and companies. By type of resolution

Collective conciliations resolved. Workers and companies. By type of resolution. Provinces Catalonia
Conciliations resolved Affected workers With agreement Without agreement Attempted without effect Others Affected companies With agreement Without agreement Attempted without effect Others
2023 48 43,487 2,617 39,443 1,206 221 49 4 40 3 2
2022 66 33,878 581 28,217 2,560 2,520 69 5 50 9 5
2021 103 27,343 2,007 23,358 978 1,000 103 16 72 9 6
2020 78 48,572 211 43,826 4,162 373 87 7 63 16 1
2019 113 53,659 3,001 49,564 916 178 130 12 85 28 5
2018 121 113,308 1,482 110,441 1,385 0 3,596 10 3,570 16 0
2017 102 66,503 1,975 51,077 6,870 6,581 129 11 88 20 10
2016 118 65,182 1,320 55,623 5,699 2,540 126 9 95 11 11
2015 122 112,877 1,372 73,256 38,146 103 124 8 95 13 8
2014 178 68,379 8,261 53,908 5,697 513 190 15 133 35 7
2013 226 404,127 395 356,039 16,169 31,524 16,038 8 15,968 54 8
2012 193 134,831 6,161 109,006 13,334 6,330 207 14 155 25 13
2011 176 68,867 37 61,546 6,939 345 196 3 155 33 5
2010 191 105,056 3,838 69,656 27,864 3,698 226 16 154 49 7
2009 202 87,554 5,624 69,472 6,912 5,546 220 18 158 26 18
2008 165 61,688 6,062 47,948 5,231 2,447 172 18 123 20 11
2007 183 63,823 1,821 48,322 4,132 9,548 464 15 148 28 273
2006 204 104,325 18,359 55,162 4,630 26,174 344 36 156 23 129
2005 248 58,016 3,505 45,817 1,657 7,037 343 29 258 21 35
2004 230 69,629 8,244 37,305 13,557 10,523 271 36 159 28 48
2003 256 55,971 7,563 31,439 9,219 7,750 258 50 146 32 30
2002 242 80,318 3,340 67,476 7,015 2,487 681 28 571 30 52
2002: Departament de Treball, Indústria, Comerç i Turisme. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.
2003-2005: Departament de Treball i Indústria. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.
2006-2009: Departament de Treball. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.
2010-2014: Ministry for Business and Labour.
2015: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.
2016-2020: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families. Observatori del Treball i Model Productiu.
2021-2023: Ministry of Business and Labour.
Note: Other type of resolution (not presented, desisted and others).

Last update: February 14, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Collective conciliation
Attempt to settle conflicts that affect the general interests of the workers, susceptible to being solved globally by the collective. These can be resolved with agreement, if there is accord between the parties; and attempted without effect, if the party against whom the demand is being made does not enter negotiations for a settlement.
Labour conciliation
Obligatory attempt to reach agreement by reason of a conflict of interests between workers and employers, involving participation of Public administration, in order to avoid a claim being made to the social courts.
Conciliation case
Act whereby both parties appear before a municipal, county or peace judge in order to reach an agreement before initiating a posterior procedure.

Methodological aspects

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