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Hunting. Captures. By species. Provinces

Caça. Captures. Per espècies. Províncies Catalunya
Caça menor Ànec Becada Becadells Colins Colom Conill Estornells Faisà Fotja Gaig Garsa Guatlla Guineu Llebre Perdiu roja Perdiu xerra Tord i griva Tórtora Tudó Altres Caça major Cabirol Cabra salvatge Cérvol Daina Isard Mufló Porc senglar
2007 20,136 11,082 2,918 484 23,868 174,865 93,494 32,174 966 332 27,937 42,319 5,356 6,921 127,363 228 920,985 35,849 90,180 0 430 129 323 103 11 237 23,789
2006 21,535 11,368 4,031 33,909 16,350 138,706 90,085 33,759 1,130 920 21,324 33,933 4,174 6,572 113,478 276 455,027 33,995 87,227 25,577 351 313 406 252 566 401 24,418
2005 30,847 10,459 4,575 1,400 17,418 153,750 86,935 33,914 2,665 1,496 34,379 78,921 6,435 6,173 148,077 999 624,830 36,120 96,103 5,685 520 255 331 109 912 285 22,625
2002 11,538 13,486 2,034 745 21,200 114,460 104,635 37,115 2,928 5,349 31,560 63,346 6,055 5,357 138,304 781 214,608 34,634 82,011 5,816 65 437 172 71 1,122 430 19,000
2002: Departament de Medi Ambient. Direcció General d'Activitats Cinegètiques i Pesca Continental.
2005-2007: Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. Direcció General del Medi Natural.
La temporada de caça s'inicia a principis d'octubre i es tanca a principis de febrer.
La temporada de caça s'inicia a principi d'octubre i es tanca a principi de febrer.

Last update: June 18, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Big game
Large animals, with low annual mortality and high life expectancy. In order to reduce the inevitable competence for growth, these species have a low reproduction rate. The margin for hunting them is lower, as these species do not have a natural capacity to recover their original values prior to each year's hunting season.
Small game
Small animals. Their populations typically have high reproduction rates that also enable them to have high breeding rates. They are some of the species considered to be prey, subjected to predators. Therefore, they can actively respond to severe reductions in number.

Methodological aspects

Hunting is a sport or recreational activity, therefore in order to do it, several aspects must be taken into account, such as the procedures to obtain licences and permits, the places where hunting is permitted, the time of the year it can be done, game species, etc. There is a also a Strategic Plan which aims to define a hunting model that is sustainable within nature and compatible with other territorial activities.

The small all the hunting species of birds and four mammal species: rabbit, European hare, Iberian hare and fox. Due to its abundance and general distribution in all the territory, it is the most common and popular hunting. The number of catches at the end of the season is higher as well, though the regeneration capacity in certain parameters allows the recovery of populations.

In our country, all the big game species belong to the ungulates group, which includes deer (Cervus elaphus), fallow (Dama dama), roe deer (Capreolus sp), chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra), wild goat (Capra hispanica), wild boar (Sus scrofa) and mouflon (Ovis musimon). Though a wrong management and insufficient conservation made that many of these species disappear at their natural distribution areas, nowadays are model for habitats recovery and right management done in many years of work.

The captures shown in this table are those carried out in private and local hunting areas, controlled hunting areas and national reserves during the hunting season. The season is approved by means of an annual resolution which establishes which species may be hunted, the stipulated hunting periods and the special closures for each season.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".