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People suffering from severe material and social deprivation (01.31)

People suffering from severe material and social deprivation. By sex 2022
Catalonia Spain European Union-27
Men 250.3 1,622.0 13,399.0
Women 338.7 1,932.0 15,452.0
Total 589.0 3,554.0 28,851.0
Units: Thousands of people.
Source Catalonia: Idescat. Survey on Living Conditions. Source Spain and European Union: Eurostat.
People suffering from severe material and social deprivation. By sex. Percentatge of the total 2022
Catalonia Spain European Union-27
Men 6.9 7.2 6.4
Women 9.0 8.2 7.0
Total 8.0 7.7 6.7
Units: Percentage.
Source Catalonia: Idescat. Survey on Living Conditions. Source Spain and European Union: Eurostat.
Population under 18 suffering from severe material and social deprivation. By sex 2022
Catalonia Spain European Union-27
Men 70.9 416.0 3,509.0
Women 76.7 409.0 3,209.0
Total 147.6 825.0 6,718.0
Units: Thousands of people.
Source Catalonia: Idescat. Survey on Living Conditions. Source Spain and European Union: Eurostat.
Population under 18 suffering from severe material and social deprivation. By sex. Percentatge of the total 2022
Catalonia Spain European Union-27
Men 10.1 10.0 8.5
Women 11.5 10.5 8.3
Total 10.8 10.3 8.4
Units: Percentage.
Source Catalonia: Idescat. Survey on Living Conditions. Source Spain and European Union: Eurostat.

Last update: April 24, 2023. Revised series on May 4, 2023.


These statistics have a specific section with all the information available: Survey on Living Conditions (ECV).

Methodological note

The living conditions of people with severe material and social deprivation are severely constrained due to a lack of resources and they generally experience at least 7 out of the following 13 deprivations: 1) Being able to go on holiday at least one week a year, 2) Being able to eat meat, poultry or fish (or the vegetarian equivalent) at least every two days, 3) Being able to keep the household at an adequate temperature, 4) Being able to face unforeseen expenses, 5) Being able to pay without delay expenses related to the household (mortgage or rent, gas bills, community fees..) or of postponed purchases, 6) To be able to afford a car, 7) To be able to replace old or damaged furniture, 8) To be able to replace damaged clothes, 9) To be able to have two pairs of shoes or a suitable pair for each season of the year, 10) To be able to meet friends/family for dinner or a drink at least once a month, 11) To be able to regularly practice leisure activities, 12) To be able to spend a small amount of money on oneself, and 13) To be able to have an Internet connection.