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Non-university education. Resident student and located places of study. Counties and Aran

Non-university education. Resident student and located places of study. Counties and Aran 2017
Residents that study in the same municipality they live Residents that study in the rest of the county Non- residents that study in the county Residence is not given and they study in the county Residents that study in the rest of Catalonia Located places of study (1) Resident student population (2)
Alt Camp 5,557 1,265 481 5 659 7,308 7,481
Alt Empordà 17,564 4,162 175 9 943 21,910 22,669
Alt Penedès 14,243 3,399 1,022 3 2,006 18,667 19,648
Alt Urgell 2,306 514 185 172 171 3,177 2,991
Alta Ribagorça 405 67 235 2 54 709 526
Anoia 15,566 4,243 770 27 1,701 20,606 21,510
Aran 969 343 73 3 88 1,388 1,400
Bages 22,839 5,015 1,387 341 939 29,582 28,793
Baix Camp 29,057 2,876 1,678 10 2,647 33,621 34,580
Baix Ebre 10,092 1,412 1,175 6 766 12,685 12,270
Baix Empordà 15,879 3,484 288 480 1,333 20,131 20,696
Baix Llobregat 113,403 14,120 4,931 156 13,801 132,610 141,324
Baix Penedès 12,973 2,828 1,071 3 1,393 16,875 17,194
Barcelonès 284,294 14,488 29,184 2,317 6,346 330,283 305,128
Berguedà 3,961 888 150 8 586 5,007 5,435
Cerdanya 1,623 508 43 26 287 2,200 2,418
Conca de Barberà 2,242 501 55 1 428 2,799 3,171
Garraf 19,550 2,036 741 4 1,586 22,331 23,172
Garrigues 1,654 544 103 0 433 2,301 2,631
Garrotxa 6,602 1,517 485 0 569 8,604 8,688
Gironès 28,551 5,052 4,551 182 718 38,336 34,321
Lluçanès .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Maresme 59,897 11,011 1,692 129 5,225 72,729 76,133
Moianès 1,516 219 59 0 531 1,794 2,266
Montsià 8,951 892 724 1 791 10,568 10,634
Noguera 4,577 653 368 1 780 5,599 6,010
Osona 20,473 5,509 1,276 34 1,115 27,292 27,097
Pallars Jussà 1,408 317 82 0 160 1,807 1,885
Pallars Sobirà 539 327 85 0 116 951 982
Pla d'Urgell 4,449 1,055 651 6 829 6,161 6,333
Pla de l'Estany 4,263 1,095 314 0 503 5,672 5,861
Priorat 757 281 121 0 204 1,159 1,242
Ribera d'Ebre 2,190 529 71 0 436 2,790 3,155
Ripollès 2,474 568 206 2 321 3,250 3,363
Segarra 2,943 449 153 154 453 3,699 3,845
Segrià 28,455 4,881 2,272 498 471 36,106 33,807
Selva 22,034 2,404 1,023 7 2,928 25,468 27,366
Solsonès 1,594 423 178 2 163 2,197 2,180
Tarragonès 36,501 5,431 3,692 18 1,774 45,642 43,706
Terra Alta 1,024 300 37 0 205 1,361 1,529
Urgell 5,012 528 597 3 643 6,140 6,183
Vallès Occidental 141,243 16,437 4,861 345 8,293 162,886 165,973
Vallès Oriental 56,107 12,431 2,202 204 4,739 70,944 73,277
Catalonia 1,015,737 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 1,225,345 1,218,873
Units: Students.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Commuting for Non-University Studies.
(1) Located places of study = Residents that study in the same municipality they live + Residents that study in the rest of the county + Non-residents that study in the county + Residence is not given and they study in the county.
(2) Resident student population = Residents that study in the same municipality they live + Residents that study in the rest of the county + Residents that study in the rest of Catalonia.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.
Resident student population by place of study. Counties and Aran 2017
Place of study
They study in the same municipality they live They study in the rest of the county They study in the rest of Catalonia Total number of resident student population
Alt Camp 5,557 1,265 659 7,481
Alt Empordà 17,564 4,162 943 22,669
Alt Penedès 14,243 3,399 2,006 19,648
Alt Urgell 2,306 514 171 2,991
Alta Ribagorça 405 67 54 526
Anoia 15,566 4,243 1,701 21,510
Aran 969 343 88 1,400
Bages 22,839 5,015 939 28,793
Baix Camp 29,057 2,876 2,647 34,580
Baix Ebre 10,092 1,412 766 12,270
Baix Empordà 15,879 3,484 1,333 20,696
Baix Llobregat 113,403 14,120 13,801 141,324
Baix Penedès 12,973 2,828 1,393 17,194
Barcelonès 284,294 14,488 6,346 305,128
Berguedà 3,961 888 586 5,435
Cerdanya 1,623 508 287 2,418
Conca de Barberà 2,242 501 428 3,171
Garraf 19,550 2,036 1,586 23,172
Garrigues 1,654 544 433 2,631
Garrotxa 6,602 1,517 569 8,688
Gironès 28,551 5,052 718 34,321
Lluçanès .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Maresme 59,897 11,011 5,225 76,133
Moianès 1,516 219 531 2,266
Montsià 8,951 892 791 10,634
Noguera 4,577 653 780 6,010
Osona 20,473 5,509 1,115 27,097
Pallars Jussà 1,408 317 160 1,885
Pallars Sobirà 539 327 116 982
Pla d'Urgell 4,449 1,055 829 6,333
Pla de l'Estany 4,263 1,095 503 5,861
Priorat 757 281 204 1,242
Ribera d'Ebre 2,190 529 436 3,155
Ripollès 2,474 568 321 3,363
Segarra 2,943 449 453 3,845
Segrià 28,455 4,881 471 33,807
Selva 22,034 2,404 2,928 27,366
Solsonès 1,594 423 163 2,180
Tarragonès 36,501 5,431 1,774 43,706
Terra Alta 1,024 300 205 1,529
Urgell 5,012 528 643 6,183
Vallès Occidental 141,243 16,437 8,293 165,973
Vallès Oriental 56,107 12,431 4,739 73,277
Catalonia 1,015,737 135,002 68,134 1,218,873
Units: Students.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Commuting for Non-University Studies.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.
Located places of study by student's place of residence. Counties and Aran 2017
Place of residence
They live in the same municipality they study They live in rest of the county They live in the rest of Catalonia They live out of Catalonia Student residence is not given Total number of located places of study
Alt Camp 5,557 1,265 480 1 5 7,308
Alt Empordà 17,564 4,162 173 2 9 21,910
Alt Penedès 14,243 3,399 1,019 3 3 18,667
Alt Urgell 2,306 514 180 5 172 3,177
Alta Ribagorça 405 67 190 45 2 709
Anoia 15,566 4,243 768 2 27 20,606
Aran 969 343 60 13 3 1,388
Bages 22,839 5,015 1,380 7 341 29,582
Baix Camp 29,057 2,876 1,666 12 10 33,621
Baix Ebre 10,092 1,412 1,032 143 6 12,685
Baix Empordà 15,879 3,484 288 0 480 20,131
Baix Llobregat 113,403 14,120 4,898 33 156 132,610
Baix Penedès 12,973 2,828 1,070 1 3 16,875
Barcelonès 284,294 14,488 28,792 392 2,317 330,283
Berguedà 3,961 888 149 1 8 5,007
Cerdanya 1,623 508 43 0 26 2,200
Conca de Barberà 2,242 501 55 0 1 2,799
Garraf 19,550 2,036 740 1 4 22,331
Garrigues 1,654 544 101 2 0 2,301
Garrotxa 6,602 1,517 484 1 0 8,604
Gironès 28,551 5,052 4,529 22 182 38,336
Lluçanès .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Maresme 59,897 11,011 1,673 19 129 72,729
Moianès 1,516 219 59 0 0 1,794
Montsià 8,951 892 578 146 1 10,568
Noguera 4,577 653 363 5 1 5,599
Osona 20,473 5,509 1,271 5 34 27,292
Pallars Jussà 1,408 317 82 0 0 1,807
Pallars Sobirà 539 327 85 0 0 951
Pla d'Urgell 4,449 1,055 638 13 6 6,161
Pla de l'Estany 4,263 1,095 314 0 0 5,672
Priorat 757 281 120 1 0 1,159
Ribera d'Ebre 2,190 529 71 0 0 2,790
Ripollès 2,474 568 205 1 2 3,250
Segarra 2,943 449 153 0 154 3,699
Segrià 28,455 4,881 1,934 338 498 36,106
Selva 22,034 2,404 1,021 2 7 25,468
Solsonès 1,594 423 177 1 2 2,197
Tarragonès 36,501 5,431 3,654 38 18 45,642
Terra Alta 1,024 300 27 10 0 1,361
Urgell 5,012 528 597 0 3 6,140
Vallès Occidental 141,243 16,437 4,822 39 345 162,886
Vallès Oriental 56,107 12,431 2,193 9 204 70,944
Catalonia 1,015,737 135,002 68,134 1,313 5,159 1,225,345
Units: Students.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Commuting for Non-University Studies.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: November 14, 2018.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Resident Student
Population resident in the selected geographical area that study, regardless of whether they study in that geographical area or somewhere else.
Difference between the number of located places of study and the population resident in any given geographical area.
Located Places of Study
Places in the selected geographical area where the students study, whether or not they are resident in that geographical area.
Non-residents that study inside area
Persons that study in the selected geographical area but reside outside of this area.
Residents that study inside area
Persons that study in the same geographical area in which they reside.
Residents that study out-of-area
Persons resident in the selected geographical area that study in a different geographical area.

Methodological aspects

The Statistics on the obligatory mobility for study reasons of university and non-university students are obtained on the basis of a statistical treatment of the enrolment records of non-university students (Ministry of Education).

The data on the mobility of non-university students includes information on the population from the age of 3 years enrolled for infant, primary, compulsory secondary, pre-university and vocational education. These Statistics exclude children in infant education (0-2 years), special education schemes (music, dance, sports, languages, plastic arts and design, higher design, dramatic arts, conservation and restoration of cultural assets) and adult education.

The reference population is students enrolled at non-university education centres located in Catalonia.

The unit of analysis is people that travel for study reasons, based on a comparison between the municipality of residence and the municipality of study.

These Statistics are produced annually and the reference year is that of the start of the academic year. So, in 2011 information is analysed on the enrolments recorded in September for the 2011-2012 academic year. The series starts with data for 2011.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".