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Fleet of motor vehicles. By type. Counties and Aran, and areas

Fleet of motor vehicles. By type. Counties and Aran, and areas 2022
Cars Industrial tractors Motorcycles Lorries and vans Buses and coaches Others Total Vehicles per 1,000 inh.
Alt Camp 26,650 338 4,595 6,342 19 1,638 39,582 876
Alt Empordà 82,772 1,197 19,229 22,881 98 5,790 131,967 933
Alt Penedès 62,123 688 11,868 13,978 97 5,913 94,667 851
Alt Urgell 11,938 113 1,888 3,808 46 888 18,681 923
Alta Ribagorça 1,980 44 287 845 2 245 3,403 852
Anoia 67,580 596 13,592 15,425 113 4,288 101,594 810
Aran 5,602 41 1,197 2,396 20 491 9,747 956
Bages 114,985 3,098 22,450 28,530 294 14,087 183,444 1,020
Baix Camp 102,892 763 22,077 22,152 83 3,967 151,934 768
Baix Ebre 41,663 400 7,497 14,282 257 2,489 66,588 839
Baix Empordà 80,571 275 22,393 21,905 186 3,042 128,372 939
Baix Llobregat 375,566 2,764 92,987 60,238 805 15,403 547,763 661
Baix Penedès 56,548 478 10,796 10,210 41 2,495 80,568 719
Barcelonès 736,522 3,606 315,076 125,359 3,250 21,856 1,205,669 532
Berguedà 23,362 184 4,325 7,518 14 1,791 37,194 924
Cerdanya 10,369 47 2,518 4,614 19 1,150 18,717 968
Conca de Barberà 11,892 95 2,006 3,436 2 971 18,402 919
Garraf 69,703 394 23,483 11,579 34 2,025 107,218 695
Garrigues 11,396 114 1,781 3,531 10 942 17,774 935
Garrotxa 32,501 296 6,490 9,026 22 1,825 50,160 854
Gironès 98,242 819 22,815 23,510 353 4,526 150,265 780
Maresme 213,724 620 62,882 38,849 332 7,146 323,553 707
Moianès 7,615 49 1,658 2,348 0 570 12,240 859
Montsià 36,961 447 5,077 11,662 13 2,122 56,282 805
Noguera 22,340 727 3,282 6,485 34 2,299 35,167 906
Osona 88,914 849 15,739 22,421 68 6,019 134,010 819
Pallars Jussà 7,004 108 946 2,710 14 761 11,543 879
Pallars Sobirà 4,050 25 672 2,008 25 556 7,336 1,020
Pla d'Urgell 21,948 530 2,938 5,186 30 1,827 32,459 860
Pla de l'Estany 18,139 200 3,655 4,910 28 1,153 28,085 858
Priorat 5,639 14 1,268 2,221 16 393 9,551 1,034
Ribera d'Ebre 12,826 60 2,526 4,046 12 902 20,372 942
Ripollès 14,305 115 2,848 4,535 44 1,073 22,920 901
Segarra 13,661 294 1,767 3,652 37 1,091 20,502 883
Segrià 104,585 3,444 16,248 24,993 289 8,826 158,385 757
Selva 93,438 911 26,816 21,850 357 4,703 148,075 851
Solsonès 8,100 177 1,453 3,001 8 896 13,635 978
Tarragonès 130,566 1,176 27,802 22,405 805 5,353 188,107 712
Terra Alta 5,897 41 825 2,626 1 548 9,938 880
Urgell 21,114 442 2,754 5,623 6 1,420 31,359 839
Vallès Occidental 440,781 3,047 91,218 77,924 781 19,343 633,094 673
Vallès Oriental 216,634 2,002 41,457 42,605 672 11,481 314,851 755
Catalonia 3,513,245 31,629 923,204 723,683 9,337 174,310 5,375,408 692
Àmbit Metropolità 1,985,358 12,068 604,202 345,680 5,840 75,426 3,028,574 616
Comarques Gironines 419,968 3,813 104,246 108,617 1,088 22,112 659,844 866
Camp de Tarragona 277,639 2,386 57,748 56,556 925 12,322 407,576 760
Terres de l'Ebre 97,347 948 15,925 32,616 283 6,061 153,180 841
Ponent 195,044 5,551 28,770 49,470 406 16,405 295,646 809
Comarques Centrals 240,845 4,328 45,043 63,113 395 23,155 376,879 912
Alt Pirineu i Aran 40,943 378 7,508 16,381 126 4,091 69,427 937
Penedès 255,954 2,156 59,739 51,192 285 14,721 384,047 772
Source: Idescat, based on data from the DGT of the Spanish Ministry of Home Affairs.
Note: El total no inclou els ciclomotors.

Last update: September 28, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Vehicles whose purpose is transport of travellers with a capacity for more than nine persons, including the driver. Trolleybuses (vehicles connected to an electrical line that do not move around on rails) are excluded from this category.
Lorries and vans
Vehicles whose purpose is transport of goods (motorcycles with three wheels, weighing no less than 400 kg are excluded).
Two-wheeled vehicles, with or without a sidecar the passenger compartment laterally attached to the motorcycle. Cars for disabled people are also included in this category.
Fleet of motor vehicles
Set of motor vehicles in circulation (except mopeds and special vehicles). It is made up of the registrations for each year, minus any vehicles retired and reported. This group includes: buses, trucks and vans, motorcycles, industrial tractors and estate cars.
Industrial tractors
Vehicles capable of dragging a semi-trailer, without taking farming tractors into account.
Private cars
Four-wheeled vehicle whose purpose is transportation of travellers, with a maximum capacity of nine people, including the driver.

Methodological aspects

On December, 31.

From 2010 on, mopeds are included.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".