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Population aged 15 and over. By the highest level of studies in progress. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Population aged 15 and over. By the highest level of studies in progress Catalonia Catalonia
Primary or lower education Lower secondary school and similar Compulsory secondary education (4th year) High-school education and similar Intermediate vocational training education and similar Official language school education Professional music and dance education and similar Higher vocational training education and similar Bachelor's level up to 240 credits and similar Bachelor's level of more than 240 credits and similar Master's or equivalent level Doctoral or equivalent level Currently studying, but no type of study is listed Not studying Total
2022 2,702 22,628 81,972 103,502 72,129 27,894 266 85,304 194,916 11,352 33,667 15,448 12,220 5,975,761 6,639,761
2021 3,038 28,410 68,552 104,314 72,824 28,357 340 81,246 191,277 11,453 31,317 15,718 3,761 5,966,279 6,606,886
Source: Idescat, based on the INE Population and Housing Census.
Note: Al Cens de 2021,per garantir el secret estadístic, els resultats estan arrodonits aleatòriament a valors múltiples de 3. Per aquesta raó algun total pot no coincidir amb la suma de la seva desagregació.

Last update: June 28, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Ongoing studies
Those that have an established curriculum, a minimum duration of three months and which are associated to an official or private education centre, regardless of being independent learning, distance or correspondence education, etc.

Methodological aspects


Population censuses include a question about ongoing studies of any kind that the persons were studying on the date of reference.

The Report draws on information from the censuses of 2001 and 2011. the question addresses persons aged 16 and over and is a multiple response question, allowing up to three categories to be marked.

2001 Population Censuses

The ongoing studies included:

  • Education for adults (literacy, basic education).
  • Social inclusion programmes.
  • GCSE and adult secondary education
  • Batxillerat, BUP, COU (Pre-university studies).
  • Official Language Schools.
  • Basic and intermediate arts courses
  • Vocational training at intermediate or equivalent level.
  • Vocational training at advanced or equivalent level.
  • University diploma, technical architecture or engineering or equivalent.
  • University degree, architecture, engineering or equivalent.
  • Post graduate studies, master's degree, medical internships or similar.
  • Doctorate.
  • Other training courses: Courses and workshops aimed at the unemployed. Internal training by companies (for employees only). Other courses not included in these (IT, official examinations, etc.), language academies, courses for cultural or leisure activities, etc.).

2011 Population Censuses

The ongoing studies included:

  • GCSE, adult secondary education.
  • Programmes for entry level professional qualifications.
  • Batxillerat (Pre-university courses).
  • Intermediate vocational training, arts and design, sports training and equivalents.
  • Courses in official language schools.
  • Professional music and dance courses.
  • Advanced vocational training, arts and design, sports training and equivalents.
  • University diploma, technical architecture or engineering or equivalent.
  • University level courses and arts courses and equivalents.
  • University degree, architecture, engineering or equivalent.
  • University master's degree, medical specialisations or similar.
  • Doctorate.
  • Other official education courses (basic adult education...).
  • Training courses by public employment services.
  • Other courses without official regulation.

The Population and Housing Census 2011 includes survey data. The results have been conveniently rounded up and are shown without decimals. Hence, some totals may not coincide with the sum of their disaggregation.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.