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Production of honey and wax. Provinces

Production of honey and wax. Provinces Catalonia
Honey (Kg) Mobile bees Fixed bees Wax (Kg) Mobile bees Fixed bees
2022 701,913 627,790 74,124 18,888 16,900 1,988
2021 2,117,919 1,974,300 143,619 50,403 46,738 3,665
2020 1,998,312 1,875,889 122,423 48,142 44,770 3,372
2019 2,172,917 2,034,764 138,153 51,703 48,050 3,653
2018 2,006,374 1,847,847 158,526 46,192 42,202 3,990
2017 1,925,382 1,778,471 146,910 43,287 39,819 3,468
2016 1,723,380 1,564,506 158,874 36,762 33,179 3,583
2015 2,381,494 2,127,909 253,585 49,099 44,884 4,215
2014 2,521,326 2,212,266 309,061 54,687 49,228 5,459
2013 2,369,121 1,921,729 282,052 45,213 40,066 5,147
2012 2,369,121 2,019,690 349,432 50,883 44,344 6,539
2011 2,486,746 2,120,189 366,557 56,213 48,873 7,340
2010 2,421,137 2,010,861 410,276 53,778 45,356 8,422
2009 2,375,050 1,880,414 494,637 94,516 79,191 15,325
2008 1,999,285 1,721,509 277,776 117,067 89,982 27,086
2007 2,151,154 1,936,839 214,315 123,905 103,825 20,079
2006 1,858,084 1,722,638 135,446 103,327 88,571 14,757
2005 1,819,321 1,649,024 170,297 96,242 81,532 14,710
2004 1,849,353 1,672,974 176,379 100,503 84,814 15,689
2003 1,783,923 1,612,746 171,177 109,606 91,461 18,145
2002 1,966,314 1,747,098 219,216 125,109 99,215 25,894
2001 2,280,335 2,062,584 217,751 125,585 99,966 25,619
2000 2,960,871 2,554,479 406,392 149,318 115,871 33,447
Units: Kilograms.
2018-2019: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food.
2020-2022: Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda.
Note: From 2009, the data is not strictly comparable with that of previous years because of the introduction of improved methodologies.

Last update: October 30, 2023.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The data on macromagnitudes, surface area, machinery and head of livestock, as well as that on agricultural, livestock and forestry production, which is updated every year, is obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".