UN Sustainable Development Goal indicators for Catalonia
In order to measure progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations General Assembly, in Resolution A/RES/71/313, agreed on a common framework that currently comprises 231 individual indicators, 12 of which repeat in 2 or 3 targets, making a total of 247 indicators.
These indicators are structured around the 17 Goals and 169 targets of the UN 2030 Agenda and provide a statistical overview of sustainable development, covering the social, economic, environmental and institutional dimensions of sustainability that the 2030 Agenda represents.
In order to monitor and evaluate the degree to which the SDGs are being achieved in Catalonia, as of 2019, the Annual Statistical Action Programmes include in the official statistics the creation and dissemination of an annual framework of indicators that takes the set of UN indicators as a reference. Progressively and continuously added to this framework are any indicators meeting the pre-established criteria for quality, soundness and methodological suitability.
The Statistical Institute of Catalonia and the Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda, through the Advisory Council for Sustainable Development (CADS), are the bodies responsible for these statistics, which has the collaboration of the rest of the ministries of the Government of Catalonia.
In order to guarantee comparability between autonomous communities, a significant number of the indicators presented use the harmonised methodology applied by the central statistical bodies of the autonomous communities (see the Note regarding the autonomous communities working group).
You can download the data for all indicators in a compressed file (ZIP), which contains the data files for each indicator as well as the indicator index, in CSV format.
You can also download the data from each indicator's page.