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Tourism of Residents in Catalonia

The statistic Tourism of residents in Catalonia provides quarterly and annual information on the number of tourist trips made by people residing in Catalonia whose primary destination is Catalonia, the rest of Spain or abroad, and on the expenditure associated with these trips.

The interactive consultation of this statistic allows crossing of various variables related to the main characteristics of these trips: primary destination, area of residence, length of trip, reason for travelling, main accommodation type, way of organisation, type of trip and means of transport. When a calculation is possible, it also provides the year-over-year variation of each variable. The data reference period is considered the month in which the trip ends, regardless of its length.

Idescat makes a quarterly treatment of the Residents Travel Survey from the INE.

This interactive consultation interface website for statistics is part of the Plataforma Cerdà project, which is Idescat's commitment as a technological platform of the Integrated Statistical Information System (SIIE).

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