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ICEH Business Confidence Indicators

The Harmonised Business Confidence Index summarises the opinion of entrepreneurs on the current and future situation of their business with the goal of foreseeing economic development.

Idescat draws up the Harmonised Business Confidence Index for Catalonia as a whole and breaks it down by sectors of activity (industry, construction, trade, accommodation and food service activities and transport, and rest of services), by size of establishment and by chambers of commerce (or groupings).

The variable used in the calculation is the evolution of the business of the establishment during the preceding quarter (status indicator) and the following quarter (expectation indicator). The Harmonized Business Confidence Index is calculated using the first quarter of 2013 as a base.

The data for the calculation comes from the integration of the sample from the Business Climate Survey, prepared by Idescat in conjunction with the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, and the sample for Catalonia from the Business Confidence Indicators Survey carried out by the INE.

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