2008 Social Survey: Households and Environment (ES08) is a statistical activity included in the Statistical plan for Catalonia 2006-2009 and which presents the synthetic results, along with some new features, of the Catalan statistical system in terms of methodology, institutionality and content.
This new source of statistics offers a new perspective in the field of environmental statistics, as its objective is to examine the perceived behaviour and attitudes of the population in relation to the major environmental issues that arise in their everyday lives. The main aim was to investigate the habits, consumption patterns and attitudes of households and the population with respect to the environment, as well as household equipment and the use made of it in relation to different environmental aspects. The themes that were considered the objects of study and to be of relevance to the environmental issue were mainly water, energy, waste, problems with noise and bad smells around residences, and domestic equipment and the use made of it by members of the household. The survey also considers aspects related with people's lifestyles, as well as consumption and mobility patterns.
Another new feature of this operation was the methodology used to collect the information. In the design of ES08, a multi-channel data collection method was employed, which combines surveying by telephone, face-to-face and via the Internet in order to reduce the workload and inconvenience to the members of the general public providing the information to produce these official statistics. This methodology provided the informer units with the maximum facilities for providing the information required, an experience that was valued positively and that will be included in future statistical activities.
These statistics have also made it possible to obtain a Synthetic environmental indicator that positions households and individuals depending on their level of awareness, impact and habits in relation to environmental problems. With this aim, a methodology was established for common work, which enabled comparison with the results obtained by the different participating Autonomous Communities.
This activity was carried out in collaboration with different regional institutions of statistics, such as Euskal Estatistika Erakundea (EUSTAT), Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía (IEA), Instituto Galego de Estadística (IGE), Instituto de Estadística de Navarra (IEN) and Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), by means of a specialist and institutional team that worked in conjunction to produce ex novo the design of the statistical operation and the technical project.
Available tables [−]
- Water
- Energy used
- Electric and gas heating
- Diesel heating and other systems
Thermal insulation
- Have thermal insulation. Characteristics of the home and the household
- Have thermal insulation. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Use of thermal insulation. Characteristics of the home and household
- Use of thermal insulation. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
Low consumption lights
- Has low consumption lights. Characteristics of the home and the household
- Has low consumption lights. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Use of low consumption lights. Characteristics of the home and household
- Use of low consumption lights. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Do not have low consumption lights. Characteristics of the home and household
- Do not have low consumption lights. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Heating with thermostat or air conditioning
- Use of heating
- Use of air conditioning
- Organic waste, paper, glass and packaging
- Other waste
- Waste from vehicles
Do not separate waste
- Organic waste. Characteristics of the home and household
- Organic waste. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Paper and card. Characteristics of the home and household
- Paper and card. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Glass. Characteristics of the home and household
- Glass. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Containers. Characteristics of the home and household
- Containers. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
Equipment and use of the home
Large domestic appliances
- Availability. Characteristics of the home and the household
- Availability. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Class A. Characteristics of the home and the household
- Class A. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Economic programmes. Characteristics of the home and the household
- Economic programmes. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Audiovisual apparatus
- Small kitchen appliances
- Other small electric appliances
- Availability of cooker and oven
Large domestic appliances
- Problems with noise and bad smells
- Lifestyles and consumption patterns
Transport and mobility
Vehicle for personal use
- Have a vehicle. Characteristics of the home and the household
- Have a vehicle. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Type of vehicle. Characteristics of the home and household
- Type of vehicle. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Fuel used. Characteristics of the home and household
- Fuel used. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Air conditioning and place parked. Characteristics of the home and household
- Air conditioning and place parked. Socio-demographic variables of the person of reference
- Transport used on trips
Public transport
- Use. Characteristics of the home and the household
Use. Socio-demographic variables of the selected person
- Sex
- Age
- Nationality
- Country of birth
- Marital status
- Living with partner
- Level of education completed
- Use. Socio-economic variables of the selected person
- Days used. Characteristics of the home and household
- Days used. Socio-demographic variables of the person selected
- Days used. Socio-economic variables of the person selected
- On foot or by bicycle
Private transport
- Motives for not travelling on public transport. Characteristics of the home and household
- Motives for not travelling on public transport. Socio-demographic variables of the person selected
- Motives for not travelling on public transport. Socio-economic variables of the person selected
- Motives for not walking or going by bicycle. Characteristics of the home and household
- Motives for not walking or going by bicycle. Socio-demographic variables of the person selected
- Motives for not walking or going by bicycle. Socio-economic variables of the person selected
- Go short distances on foot
Vehicle for personal use
Environmental awareness
- Concern for the environment
Activities related with the environment
- Participation. Characteristics of the home and the household
- Participation. Socio-demographic variables of the selected person
- Participation. Socio-economic variables of the selected person
- Non participation. Characteristics of the home and household
- Non participation. Socio-demographic variables of the person selected
- Non participation. Socio-economic variables of the person selected
- Position regarding measures for the protection of the environment
- Synthetic environmental indicator