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EECESS Economic Survey on Social Services

The Economic Survey on Social Services is part of the Social Services Accounts. The aim of these statistics is to obtain information on the activity and economic dimension of social service centres and complementary services run by non-profit private entities of Social Services in Catalonia.

It provides data on the activity, capacity, jobs filled, employed and volunteer staff, expenditure and income of these centres and entities. As far as the centres are concerned, the information is disaggregated by the type of population being served, the types of care they provide, the size of the centre and its legal status. As for complementary services run by non-profit organisations, the information is disaggregated by the primary type of population they serve and the number of services they provide. The data are presented for Catalonia as a whole on a five-year basis.

The Registry of Social Service Organisations, Services and Establishments of the Ministry of Social Rights and Inclusion constitutes the information groundwork for the directories from which the sample has been taken in order to prepare the survey. Idescat has produced these statistics in partnership with the Ministry of Social Rights and Inclusion.

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