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Population at 1 January. By nationality (continents)

Population at 1 January. By nationality (continents)
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Population at 1 January. By nationality (continents) Roquetes
Spanish Rest of the European Union Rest of Europe African North and Central America South America Asia and Oceania Total
2022 6,940 232 106 763 19 73 60 8,193
2021 6,946 220 103 747 13 67 63 8,159
2020 6,925 264 40 726 10 54 60 8,079
2019 6,862 253 43 704 10 60 41 7,973
2018 6,818 259 46 726 9 66 37 7,961
2017 6,930 241 37 744 8 84 40 8,084
2016 6,983 242 35 765 12 87 41 8,165
2015 7,013 250 37 789 15 93 37 8,234
2014 7,032 255 31 822 14 98 35 8,287
2013 6,943 276 30 838 23 142 45 8,297
2012 6,977 266 30 838 23 165 34 8,333
2011 6,945 246 35 826 22 171 35 8,280
2010 6,798 364 27 806 23 175 38 8,231
2009 6,860 358 26 724 23 196 36 8,223
2008 6,814 337 22 586 17 176 35 7,987
2007 6,738 247 14 485 11 156 38 7,689
2006 6,632 125 80 405 13 142 47 7,444
2005 6,545 104 68 349 11 124 31 7,232
2004 6,485 44 78 269 12 104 25 7,017
2003 6,423 36 68 196 10 80 26 6,839
2002 6,347 18 30 169 5 54 17 6,640
2001 6,297 17 13 77 4 19 10 6,437
2000 6,286 14 2 48 3 5 8 6,366
Source: Idescat, based on INE Continuous Population Register.