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Population at 1 January. By place of birth. Totals

Population at 1 January. By place of birth. Totals
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Population at 1 January. By place of birth. Totals Roquetes
Catalonia Same region Different county Rest of Spain Foreign Total
2022 6,044 5,391 653 630 1,519 8,193
2021 6,108 5,441 667 651 1,400 8,159
2020 6,096 5,439 657 661 1,322 8,079
2019 6,049 5,415 634 671 1,253 7,973
2018 6,020 5,406 614 670 1,271 7,961
2017 6,073 5,452 621 713 1,298 8,084
2016 6,104 5,462 642 758 1,303 8,165
2015 6,112 5,473 639 780 1,342 8,234
2014 6,130 5,488 642 786 1,371 8,287
2013 6,108 5,465 643 797 1,392 8,297
2012 6,129 5,476 653 801 1,403 8,333
2011 6,088 5,437 651 822 1,370 8,280
2010 5,955 5,326 629 821 1,455 8,231
2009 5,974 5,318 656 845 1,404 8,223
2008 5,909 5,264 645 849 1,229 7,987
2007 5,831 5,178 653 855 1,003 7,689
2006 5,732 5,110 622 847 865 7,444
2005 5,646 5,043 603 842 744 7,232
2004 5,574 4,987 587 848 595 7,017
2003 5,530 4,971 559 833 476 6,839
2002 5,452 4,912 540 835 353 6,640
2001 5,410 4,906 504 819 208 6,437
2000 5,411 4,895 516 814 141 6,366
Source: Idescat, based on INE Continuous Population Register.