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Survey on Living Conditions. Subjective well-being: overall life satisfaction and trust in others 2021-2023

In 2023, population rated overall life satisfaction at 7.3 points out of 10 and trust in other people at 6.4 points out of 10.

By age group and sex, the population aged 16-29 (the youngest group included in this publication) reported the highest overall life satisfaction (7.6). Within this group, men rated their level of life satisfaction at 7.8, while women rate it at 7.4. Likewise, men aged 16-29 also rated their level of trust in other people the highest (6.8 points).

By level of education attained, the average score for people with higher education is 7.5 in terms of overall life satisfaction, while for people with primary education or less it is 6.9. As for the degree of trust in other people, those with higher education scored it at 6.6, while those with primary education or less scored it at 6.0.

People at risk of poverty rated their overall life satisfaction at 6.8, while those who are not at 7.4. Regarding trust in other people, the score is 5.9 compared to 6.4 for people who are not at risk of poverty.

For the first time, Idescat is publishing information related to subjective wellbeing based on an extension of the results of the Survey on Living Conditions. Specifically, the main results are published for the average degree of overall life satisfaction and the average degree of trust in other people (in both cases for the population aged 16 and over) by age group, level of education attained, relation to economic activity, nationality, household composition and at-risk-of-poverty status, distinguishing by sex. The information refers to 2021, 2022 and 2023, years in which these questions were included on an annual basis in the individual questionnaire of the Survey on Living Conditions.