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Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 05/2024

The total expenditure made by foreign tourists whose main destination was Catalonia stood at 2,323 million euros in May 2024, which represents an increase of 8.3% compared to the same period of the previous year.

By country of habitual residence, the United States, France and United Kingdom out with a total expenditure of 454, 287 and 260 million euros, a figure that represented a year-over-year variation of 20.1%, 8.3% and of 36.4%, respectively.

The average daily expenditure per person was 246 euros, which represented a year-over-year increase of 9.2%. The main expenditure items correspond to expenditure on international transport that is not included in the tourist package, with an amount of 670 million euros, and expenditure on accommodation with an amount of 472 million euros.