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Presentation of the awards for the 15th Nursery Competition for Surveys and Experiments

The award ceremony for the 15th Nursery Competition for Surveys and Experiments was held on Thursday 31 May. The competition is organised by the Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Faculty of Science of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), in conjunction with Idescat, among others.

First prize in the category of 1st- and 2nd-year compulsory secondary education was awarded to the work titled "Lo nostre té data de caducitat? - Estudi estadístic sobre la comestibilitat del iogurt més enllà de la seva data d'ús preferent" (Institut Josep Lladonosa). First prize in the category of 3rd- and 4th-year compulsory secondary education was awarded to the work titled "En comptes de contar el conte, comptem contes" (Institut Pau Vila). Finally, first prize in the category of pre-university and vocational courses went to the work titled "Las variables antropométricas de obesidad como explicación de la relación entre la apnea obstructiva del sueño y la hipertensión arterial resistente" (Institut Josep Lladonosa).

The special prize awarded by Idescat for the best work (in any course year) among those using public statistical data went to the work titled "Les vacunes i la immunització" (Institut Damià Campeny).

All works submitted to the competition had to include a video with a short explanation. The award for best video went to "Això és la pera! - Quin preu té realment la fruita?" (Institut Josep Lladonosa).