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Name of person: JEAN PAUL (man). By nationality

Name of person: JEAN PAUL (man). 2023 By nationality
Position ‰ out
Frequency total men total men
Spain 104 2,496 1,154 0.02 0.03
France 29 93 54 0.76 1.48
Colombia 23 396 192 0.30 0.65
Peru 13 147 78 0.32 0.70
Belgium 7 17 10 1.20 2.23
Venezuela 6 492 313 0.15 0.34
Italy 5 1,405 726 0.06 0.11
Ecuador 5 241 152 0.21 0.40
Cameroon 4 5 5 2.96 5.17
Total 213 2,225 1,057 0.03 0.05
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Continuous Population and Housing Census.
Note: Only shows nationalities with 4 or more people with the selected name.

Disaggregation criteria