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Calor de central calorífica (produïda a partir de combustibles fòssils, biomassa o residus) procedent de centrals PCCE

Calor de central calorífica (produïda a partir de combustibles fòssils, biomassa o residus) procedent de centrals PCCE (3530110799). Catalonia
Year Quantity (1) Unit Thousands € ascending Position
2018 (1) 7,144 terajoules 51,917 298
2020 (1) 6,430 terajoules 52,300 259
2016 (1) 9,462 terajoules 52,365 262
2017 (1) 9,653 terajoules 60,531 237
2015 (1) 9,050 terajoules 65,487 208
2019 (1) 7,685 terajoules 65,912 230
2010 (1) 15,103 terajoules 69,978 183
2014 (1) 10,515 terajoules 79,615 162
2011 (1) 15,159 terajoules 80,471 166
2009 (1) 16,309 terajoules 84,212 144
2013 (1) 12,970 terajoules 86,603 148
2012 (1) 16,152 terajoules 89,934 137
2008 (1) 15,965 terajoules 92,908 167
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.
(1) The amount includes the total production generated over the year: sales + reemployment.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)